This fallacy means "to the man" it is committed when one attacks an individual instead of their ideas/argument.
(Hint Latin)
Ad hominem
The fallacy of ____________ is when one tries to transfer the attributes of parts to the whole.
Circular ____________ is secretly assuming what you are trying to prove.
Contemporary worship music is wrong because it is new
Choose from below which fallacy is committed above.
A) Tu quoque
B) Bulverism
C)Chronological snobbery
C) Chronological snobbery
This fallacy is an appeal to the masses
(Hint... Latin)
Ad populum
The fallacy of _______________ is committed when a vagueness of grammar disguises or alters meaning
A __________ question is a question crafted to exclude any possible legitimate responses.
What fallacy is committed below?
Donald Trump is an immoral man therefore his foreign policy is horrible.
Ad hominem
This fallacy is an appeal "to the stick", meaning an illegitimate appeal to authority.
(Hint Latin...)
Ad baculum
The fallacy of ______________ alters the meaning of a statement through changed emphasis.
Someone is guilty of this fallacy when they create a false dilemma.
Our school is very intelligent, therefore all of our students are very intelligent.
Fallacy of Division
Lebron James says that nuclear energy is the best form of energy. Therefore nuclear energy is the best form of energy.
What fallacy is committed above?
A) Ipse Dixit
B) Ad ignoratium
C) Bulverism/Genetic fallacy
A) Ipse Dixit
This fallacy is the opposite of the fallacy of composition
Fallacy of Division
_______________ is a hasty generalization
What fallacy is committed below?
Oh, you don't play sports, you must either be a weakling or lazy.
Create an argument that commits the Bulverism (AKA the genetic fallacy)
(Written on whiteboard)
Create an argument that creates the fallacy of equivocation.
(On your whiteboard)
Create an argument that is guilty of the Post Hoc Ergo Hoc fallacy (AKA false cause fallacy)
My dad tells me that I shouldn't shoplift, but I don't listen to him, because I happen to know that he stole candy from stores when he was a kid.
Tu quoque