Can a valid argument have true premises and a false conclusion?
No, this would be invalid
What is one type of inductive argument?
Prediction, generalization, analogy.
How do we know if an argument is valid or not by using a truth table?
We look for a row where both premises are true and the conclusion false (invalid).
Provide an example of false cause.
Any valid example.
What is the difference between a valid argument and a sound argument?
A sound argument is valid with true premises.
True or false: All inductive arguments are invalid.
What is the rule for figuring out how many rows we need?
2n where n is the number of variables.
When is a conjunction true?
When both A and B are true.
Is the following argument valid:
All worms are insects.
All insects are invertebrates.
Therefore, all worms are invertebrates.
What type of induction is the following example?
I noticed that every time I provide my seeds with water and light, they grow. Therefore, I think my seeds will grow this summer if I give them water and sunlight.
Set up the first 2 rows of a truth table with 2 variables: P and Q
What is an example of the fallacy and you? (tu quoque).
Any good example.
Is the following argument valid?
All tigers are immortal.
All immortal things are butterflies.
Therefore, all tigers are butterflies.
What is the problem of induction?
That we have no justification for the premise that the future will resemble the past.
Set up a truth table for:
P v Q
truth table
When a a disjunction NOT true
when neither A nor B are true.
Provide an example of a valid argument on the board
Any valid argument.
Provide an example of an inductive argument.
Any inductive argument.
Set up a truth table for the following argument:
S & T
truth table
Provide an example of affirming the disjunct.
Any example of this fallacy.