The word "All" is a quantifier
What are the two kinds of sorites?
Aristotelian and Galenic
How many ways are there of responding to dilemmas?
How many alternants does a disjunctive statement need to be true in order for it to be true itself?
Just one
What does it mean for something to be second figure?
The middle term is the predicate in each of the premises
The complement is a word that links together a subject and a predicate.
How many types of complex syllogisms are there?
How are dilemmas divided qualitatively?
constructive and destructive
What two words are in Conjunctive statements?
Both, And
How many valid mood/figure combinations are there?
Which order of epicheirema are similar to Aristotelian sorites?
Third order
What are the three ways of responding to a dilemma?
Grasping it by the horns, Escaping between the horns, and Counter-dilemma
What are the three types of Hypothetical syllogisms?
Conditional, disjunctive, conjunctive
What does the "S" indicate when found in a valid syllogism mood?
It indicates Simple Conversion when reducing to first figure.
An exceptive statement needs only a complement
What are all the invalid moods of conjunctive syllogisms called?
Tollendo Ponens
What are the four forms a dilemma takes?
Simple constructive, simple destructive, complex constructive, and complex destructive
What is the alternant?
It is one of two elements in a disjunctive statement.
What do the vowels represent in each of the moods?
The kinds of statements that make up the syllogism
There are four valid moods of disjunctive syllogisms
False (2 unless alternants are contradictory)
How many valid types are there of conditional sorites?
If P, then Q; and if R, then S
Either P or R
Therefore, either Q or S
Name the two fallacies/moods of conditional syllogisms
Denying the Antecendent and Affirming the Consequent
What are all of the first figure moods?