Logic Definitions
Non-Argument Passages
Logical fallacies 1
Logical fallacies 2
Logical fallacies 3

An organized body of knowledge, or science, that evaluates arguments

What is logic


A form of expression that is intended to put someone on guard against a dangerous or detrimental situation

What is a warning?


Aliens must be real because no one has proved that they do not exist.

What is an appeal to ignorance?


Friend A: I am thinking about buying a dog.

Friend B: You need to rethink that idea. If you buy a dog you will have to buy food, toys, pay for a pet sitter and vet bills and eventually you will end up broke.

What is a slippery slope fallacy?


Student A: The wifi at this school is so slow—I cannot even connect half of the time.

Administrator: A lot of progress is being made--we are getting a new bookstore by the end of the year!

What is a red herring, also known as smoke screen, fallacy?


A group of statements, one or more of which are claimed to provide support for, or reasons to believe, one of the others.

What is an argument?


A passage that begins with a topic sentence followed by one or more sentences that develop the topic but do not prove the topic, only expand or elaborate on the topic.

What is an expository passage?


Listen, I have been in your position before, therefore I am the best person to offer you advice on how to handle your situation.

What is an appeal to authority?


After driving all the way to Florida for this conference, I might as well spring for an extra night at the hotel so that I can go to the beach.

What is a sunk cost fallacy?


Being an African American who is black means you are a person of African American descent with a black racial background.

What is a circular argument? 


A statement in an argument that set forth the reasons, or evidence, for the argument.

What is a premise?


An expression involving one or more examples that show what something means or how it is done, but do not make a claim that is being proved.

What is an illustration?


Friend A: “Dreadlocks have a unique cultural history, but I am not sure about locking my hair”

Friend B: “You really should go ahead and get your locks—all of the most popular artists are locking their hair these days”

What is a bandwagon fallacy?


You have been hanging out with everyone but me lately. If you don't hang out with me this weekend, I will know that you do not even want to be my friend.

What is a false dilemma fallacy?


Bob is not going to graduate in May because he missed class several times last semester.

What is a causal fallacy?


The statement that summarizes the premises and the claim to be true.

What is a conclusion?


An expression that is designed to shed light on some event or phenomenon, but does not prove a claim.

What is an explanation?


Guy to his girl: I think you are so fine—you really look nice in that dress.

Girl to guy: So, what you’re saying is that you only like me because you think I am pretty? You don’t really care about me at all.

What is a strawman fallacy?


I believe Betty Boop is the best candidate for the presidency because we went to school together.

What is the equivocation fallacy?


I stayed up for two days working on this project without any sleep—I deserve a grade higher than a C

What is an appeal to pity?


Words or phrases that help distinguish a premise from the conclusion.

What are  indicators?


A statement that suggests that if one thing is true, then this other thing is also true.

What is a conditional statement? 


My gym teacher says that working out is healthy, but they are overweight, so what do they know?

What is an appeal to hypocrisy?


There is no way Dr. Jones can be a good professor of United States history; he's from a whole different country.

What is an ad hominem fallacy?


No other candidate will be able to make a speech as convincing as the one that I just heard, therefore Betty Boop is getting my vote, for sure.

What is a hasty generalization?
