Syllogisms and Fallacies
State Mottos
Natural Deduction

This type of sentence is characterized by having no lines on its truth table in which the sentence is false.

What is a tautology?


Major term is another name for this part of the conclusion of a syllogism.

What is the predicate?


The valid argument "All insects have six legs; therefore, all wasps have six legs" has this missing premise.

What is "All wasps are insects?"


This propositional logic connective best expresses the New Hampshire licence plate text, "Live Free or Die".

What is disjunction?


A v (C ≡ D), ~(C ≡ D) is a substitution instance of the premises of this inference rule.

What is disjunctive syllogism?


This type of sentence  is characterized by having no lines on its truth table in which the sentence is true.

What is a contradiction?


If an A statement is false, this Aristotelian proposition will necessarily be true.

What is an O statement?


"Danny lied, so he can’t be trusted" is missing this premise.

What is "All those who lie cannot be trusted"?


West Viriginia's state motto, "Montani Semper Liberi," which is Latin for "Mountaineers are always free.", can be expressed in this Aristotelian logic proposition.

What is "All [mountaineers] are [free]"?


"If there is smoke, there is fire. There is not fire, so there is no smoke" is an instance of this natural deduction rule.

What is Modus Tollens?


A logical equivalence is best expressed using this propositional logic connective.

What is the biconditional?


"No horror movies are hilarious, because all Jim Carrey movies are hilarious and no horror movies are Jim Carrey movies" falls victim to this syllogistic fallacy.

What is illicit major?


This hidden premise is used to implicate the suspect in the following enthymeme: “The gun has the defendant’s fingerprints on the trigger. He is clearly guilty!”

What is, "All those who have their fingerprints on the gun are guilty."?


Georgia's state motto,  "Wisdom, Justice and Moderation," is best translated into this propositional logic sentence.

What is "W ʌ J ʌ M"?


"I will not buy a new car or a new home" can also be expressed in this way, using DeMorgan's rule.

What is "I will not buy a new car and I will not buy a new home?"


"If I go to class today, I'll have to participate in Logic Jeopardy." If you do not go to class today, this sentence would have this true value.

What is true?


"If all students work hard, and all successful businessmen work hard, then all students will become successful businessmen" is an example of this syllogistic fallacy.

What is the fallacy of the undistributed middle?


Homer leaves this conclusion unsaid within this clip

What is "This donut is a fruit"?


Virginia's licence plate slogan, "Virginia is for lovers", is best expressed in predicate logic with this quantifier.

What is the universal quantifier?


"You are going to buy either an android or an iPhone. If you buy an iPhone, you will get longer battery life, but if you buy an android, you get better camera quality. So, you will either get longer battery life or better camera quality" is an example of this natural deduction rule.

What is constructive dilemma?


"To tell you the honest truth" is an example of this sentence form.

What is tautology?


Homer falls victim to this logical fallacy within this clip.

What is Post Hoc?


"He did not go to class because he had a headache" is or is not an example of an enthymeme.

What is not an enthymeme?


The District of Columbia's slogan, "Justitia Omnibus," which means "Justice for All," given a domain of x = all people, can be expressed in this predicate logic sentence.

What is (x)(Jx)?


This rule has been used to move from line two to line three.

1. (x)(Fx v Ax)

2. (∃x)Ax

3. Aa

What is existential instansiation?
