Terms & Definitions
Statements & Relationships
Syllogisms & Validity
Inferences, Enthymemes, Establishing Conclusions
Mixed Bag
This is the two-word relationship that exists between the following terms in the order given: "convertible, car, motorized vehicle, transportation."
What is increased extension?
This is the relationship that exists between two statements that can be true at the same time.
What is consistency? (pg. 69)
These are the distributed terms in the given statement : "All cows are mammals."
What is "Cows"?
This is the type of inference only E and I statements can make.
What is Converse. (199)
This is the translation of "post hoc ergo propter hoc".
What is "after this, therefore, because of this"?
This type of definition reduces the vagueness of a definition for words like "old" in "All grandfathers are old people," or "tall" in "All basketball players are tall people."
What is a precising definition.
This is the relationship between the sentences "Some P and C" and "Come P are not C".
What is subcontratiety? (108) Or What is "they both can be true, but they cannot both be false"? (105)
This is the form (mood and figure) of the given syllogism: "Some fish are not mammals. Some fish are goldfish. Therefore, no goldfish are mammals."
What is OIE-3? (154)
These are the two inferences you can make to the given statement: "Some prophets are pagans."
What is "Some prophets are not non-pagans" (obverse) "Some pagans are prophets" (converse) (201)
This is the type of definition that removes ambiguity to a term.
What is "lexical."
These are the 6 rules for defining a term.
What is "A definition should (1) state the essential attributes of the term (2) should not be circular (3) not be too broad or too narrow (4) not be unclear or figurative (5)be stated positively if possible and (6) be of the same part of speech as the term.
This is the standard categorical translation of the sentence "Torture is never justified."
What is "No torture is a justified activity."
This is word that describes a syllogism that has a correct form.
What is "Validity." (159) (Sound- has correct form and premises are true.- 160)
This is the definition of an enthymeme.
What is "an argument that leaves one of its statements assumed." (219)
This is the explanation of what it means to establish a conclusion.
What is "creating two true premises that prove the conclusion to be true"?
These are the three rules broken for the definition: Capitalist- a person who is not a Socialist.
What is "a definition cannot be too broad or too narrow," A definition should state the essential attributes of the term," and "a definition should be stated positively if possible."
This is the truth value of "All spots are dots" based on the fact that "Some spots are not dots" is false. (Assuming "Some spots are not dots" is false, what is the truth value of "All spots are dots"?)
What is "true"? (Contradiction)
These are the two major patterns of what is distributed (subject/predicate) in standard, categorical statements.
What is "Universal statements distribute the subject" and "Negative statements distribute the predicate"?
This is the full syllogism based on the enthymeme "No enthymemes are complete, so some arguments are incomplete."
What is "No enthymemes are complete arguments. (Some arguments are enthymemes.) OK-some enth. are arg. Therefore, some arguments are not complete arguments." (223)
This is the benefit and the limitation to counterexamples.
What is "they can prove a syllogism to be invalid, but they can not prove a syllogism to be valid." (169)
These are a list of the three laws of logic and their defintions.
What are "Law of identity": if a statement is true, then it is true; "Law of excluded middle": any statement is either true or false; and "Law of non-contradiction": A statement cannot be both true and false.
These are the three categories of how a statement can be self-supported.
What is "Self-reports" (I believe in aliens), "Statements that are true or false by logical structure (I am or am not left handed- also known as tautology), and "Statements that are true or false by definition" (All triangles are three-sided figures).
These are the rules broken by the following syllogism: "Some chefs are not fat people. No fat person is a contented person. Therefore, all chefs are contented people."
What is illicit minor, two neg prem. and an aff. conclusion, neg prem & aff conclusion." (179)
These are the two valid followed by the two invalid types of mixed hypothetical syllogisms.
What is Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Affirming the Consequent, and Denying the Antecedent? (231)
This is the translation of "None but the wise are truly happy, so Solomon was happy, since he was so wise" into a syllogism.
What is "All truly happy people are wise people. All Solomon was a wise person. Therefore, all Solomon was a truly happy person." (217)