define Synonym
what is a word with the same meaning?
define Statement
what is a sentence that is either true or false?
define Consistant
what is statements that can both be true at the same time?
define Contradiction
what is two statements that have opposite truth values?
define Quantity
what is identifies whether a statement is universal or particular?
define Ambiguous
what is a word that has more than one possible meaning?
define Self-report
what is a statement made by a person concerning his or her own desires?
define Quality
what is identifies whether a statement is affirmative or negative?
define Apparent Disagreement
what is a difference of opinion or perception?
define The Square of Opposition
what is a diagram of the basic relationships between categorical statements with the same subject and predicate?
define Species
what is a term that is more specific, narrow or concrete than the original term and is included by it?
define Tautology
what is a statement that is true by logical structure?
define Logically Equivalent
what is statements that imply each other?
define Contrary
what is two statements that can both be false but cannot both be true?
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define Term
what is a concept that is expressed precisely in words?
define Supported Statement
what is a statement whose truth value depends on evidence or information from outside itself?
define Verbal Disagreement
what is a misunderstanding due to differing definitions for one or more words?
define Categorical Statement
what is a statement that affirms or denies something about a given subject?
define Contrariety
what is both statements cannot be true but they can be both false?
define Intension
what is the sum of all the common attributes denoted by the term?
define Implication
what is statements that require the truth of each other?
define Subimplication
what is the relationship between a universal and particular statement of the same quality, in which the truth of the universal necessitates the truth of the particular?
define Subcontrariety
what is both statements can be true but they cannot both be false?
define Superimplication
what is the relationship between the universal and particular statement of the same quality, in which the falsity of the particular necessitates the falsity of the universal?