What is Ad Fontem Arguments?
This fallacy makes someone think there may be bad consequences in store for them if they do not agree.
What is Appeal to Fear (ad baculum)?
This argument assumes a goal or function of a practice or policy is either unrealistic or irrelevant, making it unacceptable.
What is Appeal to Ignorance?
Is the argument relevant to the issue at hand?
What is relevance?
Means "to the man"
What is Ad Hominem
When the speaker assaults his rival with abusive language. Usually in an attempt to avoid the issue.
What is Ad Hominem Abusive
This is an appeal to the elite or to people with "discriminating taste."
What is Snob appeal?
This argument will make a sound case for what it is trying to prove, however it is irrelevant.
What is Irrelevant Thesis?
Is the argument assuming something legitimate?
What is presumption?
Means to the stick in Latin
What is Ad baculum?
This fallacy assumes his rivals recommendation should be discounted because he doesn't follow it himself.
What is Tu Quoque
This is an appeal so somethings age to convince others to accept it.
What is Chronological Snobbery?
This is an attempt to disprove an opponents beliefs by presenting them in an inaccurate light.
What is The Straw Man Fallacy?
Is the argument clear?
What is clarity?
In Latin, what means "you also?"
What is Tu Quoque?
States than an idea should be discounted simply because of its origin.
What is Genetic Fallacy
This argument makes others feel sorry for them or for others.
What is Appeal to Pity? (ad misericordiam)
This argument assumes a goal or junction of a certain practice or policy is either unrealistic or irrelevant, therefore not acceptable.
What is Irrelevant Goals or Functions?
The art of convincing others.
What is persuasion?
This word means "to pity" in Latin.
What is Ad misericordiam?
A subtle type of argument that says the rival should not be trusted because of circumstances regarding his rival.
What is Ad Hominem Circumstantial?
Appeals to the common man or to the people. Often used by demagogues.
What is Mob Appeal (Ad populum.)
This category includes types of proofs that don't play on our emotions, but are nevertheless irrelevant to the situation.
What is a Red Herring?
A commonly recognized bad argument that fails to meet the requirements of relevance, clarity or presumption.
What is a fallacy?
This means "to the people" in Latin.
What is Ad populum?