attacking your opponents personal character instead of his or her argument
Ad Hominiem
Asserting that one event will definitely lead to another (usually worse) event
slippery slope
distraction, distraction, distraction
red herring
Oh, this case is different because...
special pleading or moving the goal post
misrepresenting your opponent's argument to make it easier to attack
strawman fallacy
hiding an assumption inside of a question or claim
loaded question
the "you too" fallacy
tu quoque fallacy
coming to a conclusion too quickly, with too little evidence
hasty generalization
English is the best subject because English is the best.
Circular Reasoning fallacy
Bob won't stop cursing because his mom often curses. Which fallacy is he displaying?
Tu quoque fallacy
"If you don't know who to vote for between me (Joe Biden) and Trump, then you ain't black!
false dilemma fallacy
People need a good education to be successful because success requires an education!
Circular Reasoning fallacy
When asked why he didn't do his homework, Barry said he'd like to first talk about the many natural disasters that plague the country...
red herring fallacy
Donald Trumps border policies will not work because he is a pompous, egotistical liar!!!
ad hominem attack
If Trump is elected president, he will kill the constitution, then the US will become a monarchy, then our voting rights will be taken away! So Vote Harris!
slippery slope fallacy
While leaving the court hearing of a person she sued for running into the back of her car, Mary ran into the back of someones car. Mary declares she should not be sued, however, because she was overly excited about winning her lawsuit.
special pleading
This means "to the man"
Ad Hominem
This means "You too!" or "You as well"
tu quoque
loaded question
Students can either go on the field trip or stay at school and do work.
false dilemma
My opponent doesn't like black people;that is why she won't hire me!
strawman fallacy
special pleading fallacy
My favorite rapper dropped out of school and he is now a multi-millionaire. Therefore, I should drop out too!
hasty generalization fallacy
If you go to school but don't pay attention you'll get bad grades. If you get bad grades, you will not learn a lot. That will lead to a life of crime. Then you will go to prison.
slippery slope fallacy