Define non-sequitur
"it does not follow"
conclusion doesn't logically connect to evidence
"dress code is necessary because hummingbirds can fly backwards"
Define Appeal to Ignorance
asserting that a proposition is true because it hasn't yet been disproven, or the reverse
"this drug must be safe, there's no evidence exists that shows its harmful"
Define Appeal to novelty
assertion that bc smthn is new its better
"upgrading all ur software to the most recent versions will make your systems more reliable"
Define appeal to emotion
"i deserve an A on this test because otherwise my dad will yell at me."
Define genetic fallacy
claim based only on someones/somethings history, origin, or source rather than its current meaning/context
Basically: A claim is ignored in favor of attacking/championing its source
"Volkswagens have been made by the Nazis. I will never buy one!(they're German so yknow)
Define Post Hoc Ergo
''after this, therefore because of this''
Assuming that correlation(A happens after B) implies causation(B caused A)
''After i got Fido the soccer team started doing bad, kill fido.''
Define Appeal to tradition
assertion that something is better bc it is old or traditional or has always been done that way
"we done it like this for 30 years so it must be the right way."
Define Ad Populum
"to the people"
Also called the bandwagon fallacy, it means that the opinion of a group is used as evidence
''fifty mil Sabrina carpenter fans must be right''
Define Appeal to Incredulity
assertion that because you cannot understand something it cannot be correct
Define false dichotomy
The conclusion is one of two options
''death penalties or your hometown will be overrun by murderers''
Define No True Scotsman
often used as an 'escape' to dismiss an opponents counter-examples
Or: defend a generalization by denying the validity of any counterexamples given
'no Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge' 'but my bbg is a Scotsman and inhales sugar with his porridge' 'sorry m8, he's NOT a Scotsman.'
Define Slippery Slope
event must be the inevitable result from another event, commonly seen with alot of steps between one event and another
'stop taxes! Soon ill be paying 400 per square of tp'
'stop tuition increase(please), next it'll be 40k a semester!'