Fallacy Definitions
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Dictionary of Fallacies
A fallacy in which the author attempts to show a causal relationship though the two events may have only happened in succession.
What is a post hoc/false cause fallacy?
The following is an example of a _________ fallacy: I drank bottled water and now I am sick, so the water must have made me sick.
What is post hoc/false cause?
Example of __________ fallacy: You had better agree that the new company policy is the best bet if you expect to keep your job.
What is an appeal to emotion fallacy?
Example of __________ fallacy: In the United States, one can vote for either Democrats or Republicans.
What is a false dilemma/black or white/either-or fallacy?
A fallacy in which the author has jumped to a conclusion based on insufficient evidence.
What is a hasty generalization?
A fallacy in which the author presents only two options for the reader to choose from (despite the fact that it is rare for any argument to be so simplistic).
What is a false dilemma?
The following is an example of a __________ fallacy: Green Peace's strategies aren't effective because they are all dirty, lazy hippies.
What is an ad hominem fallacy?
Example of _______ fallacy: The apples on the top of the box look good. The entire box of apples must be good.
What is a hasty generalization?
Example of __________ fallacy: We should have conscription. People don't want to enter the military because they find it an inconvenience. But they should realize that there are more important things than convenience.
What is a non-sequitor fallacy?
A fallacy in which the author predicts events, usually with a catastrophic conclusion.
What is a slippery slope?
A fallacy in which the author makes a conclusion based on a lack of evidence.
What is hasty generalization?
The following is an example of ________ fallacy: If you were a true American you would support the rights of people to choose whatever vehicle they want.
What is an ad hominem/bandwagon?
Example of ________ fallacy: Immigration to Alberta from Ontario increased. Soon after, the welfare rolls increased. Therefore, the increased immigration caused the increased welfare rolls.
What is a post hoc fallacy?
Example of __________ fallacy: If the mill were polluting the river then we would see an increase in fish deaths. And fish deaths have increased. Thus, the mill is polluting the river.
What is non sequitur/missing the point fallacy?
A fallacy in which one event is said to be the cause of a later event simply because it occured earlier.
What is an ad hoc/false cause straw man fallacy?
A fallacy in which the author attacks the person make the opposing argument, rather than the argument itself.
What is an ad hominem fallacy?
The following is an example of a ___________ fallacy: The level of mercury in seafood may be unsafe, but what will fishers do to support their families?
What is a red herring fallacy?
Example of ________ fallacy: We hope you'll accept our recommendations. We spent the last three months working extra time on it.
What is an emotional appeal?
Example of ________ fallacy: Polls suggest that the Liberals will form a majority government, so you may as well vote for them.
What is a bandwagon fallacy?
A fallacy in which the author attempts to distract the reader from the premise of the argument, often with emotional appeals.
What is a red herring?
A fallacy in which the author attempts to make a logical argument by comparing the topic to a topic more familiar to the audience; however, the two topics are not comparable enough to make the argument effective.
What is a false analogy?
The following is an example of _________ fallacy: If we put limits on the right to bear arms, soon all of our Constitutionally-givenĀ  rights will be taken away.
What is a slippery slope fallacy?
Example of ________ fallacy: Almost all of the ancient and medieval philosophers believed that the Earth was at the centre of the universe. If they all thought that, could they all be wrong?
What is an appeal to authority fallacy?
Example of a __________ fallacy: Since scientists cannot prove that global warming will occur, it probably won't.
What is a hasty generalization?
A fallacy in which the author attempts to support the argument by simply repeating it using different words.
What is begging the question/circular reasoning?