A mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.
What is a fallacy?
This fallacy appeals to fear, envy, hatred, pity, pride, and more.
What is appeal to emotion?
An example of this fallacy would be 70% of the Irish population believe in leprecauns; thus, they must exist.
What is bandwagon?
Its translation is "many questions."
What is Plurium Interrogationum?
Attacked opponent's character or personal traits.
What is ad hominem?
A failure in reasoning that renders an argument invalid.
What is a logical fallacy?
It's either good or bad on the basis of from where, or from whom it came.
What is genetic?
What is black-or-white?
Literally means "it does not follow."
What is non sequitur?
Because an authority thinks something, it must therefore be true.
What is ad verecundiam?
What is logos?
1. Attempts to limit the answers that can be given, often to 'yes' or 'no.'
2. You answered criticism with criticism.
1.What is loaded question?
2. What is to quoque?
1. The idea that "natural" things are better than "artificial" things.
2. You used a personal experience instead of a sound argument.
1. What is appeal to nature?
2. What is anecdotal?
Simply put, it means both relevant and appropriate.
What is germane?
Because something is 'natural,' it is therefore valid, justified, etc.
What is argumentum ad naturam?
Used to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions.
What is pathos?
If 'hindsight bias' and 'confirmation bias' had a baby, it would be this fallacy.
What is Texas Sharpshooter?
Simply put: you moved the goalposts when your claim was shown to be false.
What is special pleading?
This word, phrase, or sentence is one that has two or more distinct meanings.
What is ambiguous?
Argument to the point of disgust.
What is argumentum ad nauseam?
The ethical appeal; means to convince the audience of one's credibility.
What is ethos?
Exaggerating, misrepresenting, or completely fabricating someone's argument.
What is strawman?
This occurs when someone focuses only on evidence that supports their stance while ignoring evidence that contradicts it.
What is the cherry picking fallacy?
An irrelevant topic is introduced in an argument to divert the attention of his or her opponent from the original issue.
What is the red herring fallacy?
It is the argument to ignorance.
What is argumentum ad ignorantiam?
Labeled the word of the day, it involves random variables; it involves chance or probability.
What is stochastic?
Misleads people into believing that their group is perfect.
What is no true Scotsman?
This shifts attention to extreme hypotheticals; has the form of an emotional appeal by leveraging fear.
What is slippery slope?
These rules have exceptions for relevant cases.
What are "rules of thumb?"
The alternative name for this Latin term is argument to moderation.
What is argumentum ad temperantiam?