Definitions Part 2
What Fallacy Is This?
What Fallacy Is This Part 2?
For Fun
Formulating a complex or unlikely explanation for an event when a simpler explanation would do.
What is Extravagant Hypothesis
The portrayal of a complex situation in simplistic either-or terms, not acknowledging that (1) both alternatives could be true, (2) gray areas exist between the two alternatives, or (3) other possibilities exist.
What is Either/or Fallacy.
Ron has either a very strong proposal or a very weak proposal. Ron does not have a very strong proposal. Therefore, Ron has a very weak proposal.
What is either/or fallacy.
“Call within the next 5 minutes and receive a 25% discount, otherwise you will need to pay full price!”
What is Either/Or Fallacy.
The latest and greatest author is featured on Oprah's book club. The very next day everyone rushes out to buy his book.
What is Appeal to Authority.
This is an appeal to popularity. It is saying that something must be right because “everybody is doing it.”
What is Bandwagon Appeal.
A occurs before B. Therefore A is the cause of B (Nizkor, 2013).
What is Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc.
If something happens just before event B, such as seeing a black cat, and we conclude that the black cat caused event B just because it came prior to event B, then we are guilty of the fallacy of
What is post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Teenager tells his mom "all my friends have cellphones, so I should have one too". He has fallen prey to which fallacy?
What is bandwagon appeal.
White smoke has been used to signify that there is a new Pope for hundreds of years. The Vatican refuses to change their notification system since it has been that way from the beginning.
What is Appeal to Tradition.
This error occurs when what a person is arguing for is already assumed to be true in one of the argument’s premises.
What is Circular Reasoning.
Once someone asks for one thing, they will not end until they have taken it all.
What is Slippery Slope.
If you find yourself paralyzed in bed for a few moments and see little creatures by your bed, you might conclude that you had experienced some kind of UFO alien abduction. Concluding this without considering more conventional explanations is an example of
What is extravagant hypothesis.
The housing market in the United States has seen a major decline; therefore, there must be an economic downturn for housing in every city in America.
What is Fallacy of Division.
TomKat (Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes) were the cutest celebrity couple because they are TomKat.
What is Circular Reasoning.
Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S. Person A makes claim C about subject S. Therefore, C is true (Nizkor, 2013).
What is Appeal to Authority.
Deciding something just because “this is the way we have always done it”.
What is Appeal to Tradition.
Mary had a few bad experiences at her favorite clothing store and now believes that all clothing stores are bad. Mary has engaged in which fallacy?
What is hasty generalization.
“I don’t wear my seat belt while driving anymore because I have three friends that all got in accidents while they were wearing their seatbelts.”
What is Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc.
Gangnam Style and Harlem Shake were viral hits because people start watching the videos after hearing about it from their friends. This is an example of....
What is Bandwagon Appeal.
Saying something must be true (or false) because there is little to no evidence to prove it is not true (or not false).
What is Appeal to Ignorance.
Arguing that just because something is the case, that it ought to be the case.
What is Is/Ought Fallacy.
The builder is questioned on his building practices but he says, “that’s the way I have been building these things for fifteen years.” However, that does not mean he has been building them ‘right’ for fifteen years!
What is Appeal to Tradition.
With the US unemployment rate at 9.1%, every state, county and city has unemployment problems (Johnson, 2011).
What is Hasty Generalization.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
What is...nothing it is Chuck Norris :)