This is Yusuf's most played champion
Who is Veigar?
This champion is known as the Void Walker
Who is Kassadin?
What is Bandle City?
This character ambushes Draven in A New Dawn cinematic.
Who is Rengar?
This top lane champion is vaiable in every region except North America
Who is NA Jayce?
This Champion is permabanned by Marcelo or tilting will occur
Who is Hecarim?
Demolisher, Workshop, and Papercraft are some of this champion's available skins.
Who is Nunu and Willump?
What is the Shadow Isles?
This instrument Jhin plays during the Awaken Cinematic.
What is a Piano?
When playing Blitzcrank make sure you don't pull this ulting character.
Who is Fiddlesticks?
Nick's favorite item
What is Galeforce?
Vel'koz, Kog' maw, Zac, and Nasus are all characters with this skin line.
What is Battlecast?
What is Zaun?
Who is Nocturn?
This professional player conserved this summoner spell for next worlds.
What is doublelifts flash?
Donatos most played Midlaner 2019
Who is Anivia?
This Mythic item's passive stats gives you 5 attack damage and 50 health per legendary item.
What is Immortal Shieldbow?
What is Targon?
In the 2020 Warriors Cinematic Ezreal stole this item from the tomb.
What is the Tear of the Goddess?
This is the reason we lose the majority of our lanes.
What is Jungle Diff?
Paul's lowest Mastery 7 champion
Who is Ryze?
This champion's former passive allowed their next ability to periodically cost no mana.
Who is Lissandra?
What is Ixtal?
In the Road to the Cup: World Championships 2013 cinematic, Gragas was portrayed by this professional North American player.
Who is Scarra?
If you're playing with Kenny jungle and he losses it's most likely due to a Diamond this character
Who is Zac?