Who is this? What is her Ult? Position?
Akali leaps in a direction, stunning and damaging enemies she strikes. Re-cast: Akali dashes in a direction, executing all enemies she strikes.
Assassin- Jungle, Mid, Top
Who is this? What's their Ult? Position?
After gathering energy for 1 second, Lux fires a giant laser in a line that deals magic damage to all enemies hit, briefly revealing them as well as the surrounding area.
Support, Mage - Sup, Mid
Who is it? What is their Ult? Position?
Ekko shatters his timeline, becoming untargetable and rewinding to a more favorable point in time. He returns to whenever he was a few seconds ago, and heals for a percentage of the damage received in that duration. Enemies near his arrival zone take massive damage.
Assassin, Fighter - Mid, Top, Jungle
Who is this? What's their Utl? Position?
Evelynn briefly goes untargetable and decimates the area in front of her before warping backwards a long distance.
Assassian, Mage - Jungler
Who is this? What's their Ult? Position?
Fizz tosses a fish in a direction that attaches to any champion that touches it, slowing the target. After a short delay, a shark erupts from the ground, knocking up the target and knocking any nearby enemies aside. All enemies hit are dealt magic damage and slowed.
Assassin, Mage- Mid, Jungle
Who is this? What's their Ult? Position?
After a small delay, Kassadin blinks to the target location, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies on arrival.
Mage, Assassin- Mid