The Game LoL was inspired by.
What is Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients (DOTA)?
The thing junglers constantly ping about 3 minutes into a game.
What is the Scutte Crab?
Current Head coach of TSM.
Who is Bjergsen?
Most Wanted Star Guardian Skin.
What is Star Guardian Urgot?
Rarest skin in LoL
What is PAX Twisted Fate?
Nickname for the Rift Herald.
Teemo is an anagram.
What is emote?
The man who just overhauled his shop of items.
Who is Boris?
Dr. Mundo is a doctor of this.
What is nothing? (He grabbed a lab coat and called himself a doctor.)
In Season 5, this camp gave you a moving ward of the jungle.
There is a hidden passive in League of Legends that reduces “_____” type champions health by 1 for each other _____ on their team.
What is Ninja?