How much gold do you start with in SR?
Against what esports team were only supports banned?
Vaevictis Esports
Who's your barber?
Taliyah and Rammus (Music Genre)
Rock and Roll
Ivern, Orianna, Zyra, Maokai
Orianna (Only Champ Not Based on Nature)
How often do minion waves spawn?
Every 30 seconds
What is the esports team Baus plays for?
Los Ratones
Who would you trust to do your math homework?
Cut to the Chase
Rammus, Sion, Riven, Volibear
Riven (Only character Baus is not known for playing)
How many stacks do you gain for each champ kill and assist? What is max stats? How many do you lose when you die?
4, 2, 25, 10
Daily Double
17 forms of cc, Must be within 4 to be correct (13 - 21 inclusive are valid answers) (Airborn, Blind, Cripple, Disarm, Disrupt, Forced Action, Ground, Kinematics, Knockdown, Nearsight, Silence, Drowsy & Sleep, Slow, Snare/Root, Stasis, Stun, Suppression)
Who's winning the talent show?
Cassiopeias on a Corki (Movie)
Snakes on a Plane
Teemo, Thresh, Cho'gath, Swain
Teemo (Only champ that doesn't stack)
What does baron buff do? Bonus: What is its official name?
Empowered Recall (50% recall time), 50% move speed from fountain, Nearby minions get 12-48 ad and 20-80 ap based on when baron is slain, they also have their minimum movement speed set to 92.5% of average movement speed of nearby champs up to 500 and gain additional buffs specific to minion types.
Bonus: Hand of Baron
How many champs were there on release of League, October 27, 2009?
Who's the best at hide and seek?
Zilean Ziggs (Item)
Time Bomb
Annie, Nunu, Neeko, Khazix
Neeko (Based on age. Annie is 9, Nunu is 9, Neeko is 200, Khazix is 10 weird ik)
Aside from Mana and Manaless, name 5 resources
Energy, Fury, Shield, Ferocity, Flow, Blood Well, Frenzy, Heat, Style, Moonlight, Ammo, Health
How much gold does destroying a nexus give?
Who would most league players let step on them?
Karthus Janna (Phrase)
Dead Air
Galio, Soraka, Draven, Shen
Galio (Only one without a global ultimate - has no range limit verified by a wiki)