The science that looks at how individuals perform work and what body movements, tools and equipment benefit the health and comfort of the barber and client is called this
This is the term you use when you have no room for any more appointments for the day/week/month
What is a full book?
This is a primary cause of water-spill accidents
What is excessive water pressure?
The technical term for the study of hair is called this
What is trichology?
Pronouncing words clearly, precisely and accurately is referred to as this
What is enunciation?
Plasma consists of about this much water
What is 90%?
A client retention strategy that involves clients booking a future appointment before leaving the barbershop during a current visit is known as this
What is pre-booking?
Maintaining healthy teeth and fresh breath is called this
What is Oral Hygiene?
Hair color is influenced by the amount, size and distribution of these two types of melanin
Translating what you heard into your own words is referred to as this
What is paraphrasing?
Basic substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances are called
What are elements?
The act of a highly satisfied client directing another person to see you for professional services is called this
What is a referral?
Keeping the abdomen flat, chin level, and the head up are key points in having this
What is good posture?
Hair that has a combination of two or more different porosities is referred to as this
What is uneven porosity?
People need this many hours of sleep at night to avoid fatigue
What is 6-8?
This is another term that means the same as germ or bacteria
What is a Microbe?
Selling additional services to clients beyond what they originally scheduled for a visit is called this
What is upselling?
you do this first when a blood-exposure incident occurs
what is stop the service
An autoimmune skin disease that results in sudden hair loss in round or irregular patches without the display of an inflamed scalp is referred to as this
What is alopecia areata?
An infection that is located in a small, confined area is known as this
What is a local infection?
The term for matter that has never been alive, containing water, rocks, and minerals is this type of chemistry
What is inorganic?
"How frequently do you shampoo your hair?" would be asked during this service essential (4 C's)
What is Consult?
Regular bathing with soap and applying deodorant are examples of maintaining this
What is personal hygiene
A pediculicide shampoo kills this
What is lice?
This is a mixture of secretions from the sebaceous glands and perspiration from the sweat glands
What is the acid mantle?
Cold creams are examples of this type of emulsion
What is water-in-oil?
This is considered to be the number one reason why clients move on to another barbershop
What is indifference?
An approved EPA-registered disinfectant is effective on this type of surface
What is nonporous?
A condition in which beads or nodes form on the hair shaft is called this
What is monilethrix?
Use of a prompting comment such as "go on" is an example of a listening strategy called this
What is respond?
Calamine lotion would fall under this cosmetic classification
What is a suspension?
This concept involves converting existing clients to return clients
What is client retention?
Dispose of sharp objects, such as razor blades in this type of container
What is puncture-proof?
Cilia is the technical term for this type of hair
What is eyelash hair?
The psychology of getting along with others is referred to as this
What is human relations?
This is another name for peptide bond
What is an end bond?
CRM stands for this
What is Client Relations Management?
Bacteria that form spores can only be destroyed by using a product labeled as sporicidal or by this
What is sterilization?
The papilla supplies nourishment to this
What is the germinal matrix?
If you're going to be active outdoors, wear a lip balm with a Sun Protection Factor of at least this much
What is 30 SPF?