Who is the main character in this story?
William Holloman.
(Reynolds 4)
What type of people did Will see on the elevator?
People who were killed previously in Wills's life.
(Reynolds 56)
Who did Will look up to?
His brother, Shawn.
(Reynolds 38)
True or False: Will was shot at the end of the story.
True or False: Will had a sister.
Who was the first person that Will saw on the elevator?
His oldest brother, Buck.
(Reynolds 56)
Who did Will grow up watching crime shows with?
His mother.
(Reynolds 46)
Who went through the same thing Will was about to go through?
His dad.
(Reynolds 134)
What was the name of Will's childhood girlfriend?
(Reynolds 74)
Who was the last person Will saw on the elevator?
His brother, Shawn.
(Reynolds 177).
True or False: Will never knew who his dad was.
Who did Will believe shot Shawn?
(Reynolds 42)