Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

What are the two Main Characters in the chapter?

Jasmine and TJ


Name the new characters in the story?

Bit, Francy, John John, and Trista


Who are the three main characters in this chapter?

Pia Foster (who is often called "Skitter")

 Marcus Bradford (the bully)

 Steven (the target of the bullying).


Who is the main character in the chapter Look Both (Both) Ways?  What does she do daily?

Fatima Moss; she is a middle school student who is newly allowed to walk home alone and is very observant about her surroundings, often documenting details of her daily walk in her mind.



Your fatigue is the result of anemia and a blood transfusions may help,

a deficiency of red blood cells


Jasmine and TJ  live on what street? 

Marston Street


What is their group called and why do they call themselves this name

Low Cuts  - they all cut their hair as a sign of solidarity because a family member is struggle with cancer.


What is Pia's hobby? and what does the hobby represent?

Pia's hobby is skateboarding, and her skateboard represents a way for her to express herself, gain a sense of control and power, and essentially "have a voice" as a quiet and shy character, especially when facing challenges or difficult situations in her life.


What happened to Fatima on her walk home once?

She becomes so focused on looking straight ahead and avoiding eye contact with anyone that she trips on a crack in the sidewalk and falls, causing her to be teased by kids on a passing school bus.



She has suffered a relapse and is back in hospital.

suffer deterioration after a period of improvement.


What kind of sickness does Jasmine have?

Sickle Cell Anemia 


What do all the kids have in common?

Their parents have cancer


What conflict is Stevie going through?

He is being bullied by a classmate named Marcus Bradford at his private school, Brookshire Boys Academy, causing him distress and fear to speak up about it.


Who is Benni?

Benni is a woman that Fatima, encounters on her daily walk home from school; she often walks alongside Fatima for a few blocks, and plays a significant role in one particular day where she encourages Fatima to share her ideas about changing the world.



It took me a year to devise the program.

a plan, method, or trick with a particular aim.


What's happening to Jasmine parents?

They are getting a divorce


What was one of the rule in their group?

They stole loose change usually to use it for extras at lunch.


What is going on his Marcus’ life at home?

His father being physically abusive towards his mother,


What do Fatima's parent (mom) always say?

You have to look both way and all ways.



I feel empathy with the main character.

The ability to identify with another's feelings


Name several things that have happened to Jasmine during the past year?

1, Her parents separated

2. Her dad moved out

3.  Jasmine has the worst attack from her disease (swelling, pain,) and she was out sick for a month from school.


What did the Low Cut do with the money they stole?

They go to Ms. CeCe's store and buy as much candy as they can.  

Then they sell it to the guy at Placer Pool

They buy ice cream for Bit's mom because her cancer came back and she had her first chemo appointment today


Who is Santi? What happened to her and how?

Santi was Pia's sister; she's deceased. Two years before the events in “Skitter Hitter,” Santi died when a boy pushed her into oncoming traffic because he was jealous of how good of a skater Santi was.


What are some interesting things has Fatima put on her list?

Incredibly detailed observations about her walk home from school, like counting sidewalk cracks, noting specific colors of cars passing by, whether a certain neighbor is outside, the exact number of steps between landmarks, and even small changes in people's greetings or actions, essentially creating a hyper-focused snapshot of her neighborhood each day,



A quiet saunter down the road.

To stroll at a leisurely pace.
