To share all of the details about something so people can picture it in their mind
What is describe?
The reason Elie and his dad are upset about at the beginning of the story that causes them not to see each other much.
What is the guards made them move to different housing areas?
The style the story Maus is writen in.
What is a graphic novel?
The dictator in Germany during WW2 who caused the Holocaust.
Who is Adolf Hitler?
The flavor name of the blue Takis.
What is Blue Heat?
To tell how to do something
What is explain?
The way that that guards at the concentration camp identify you instead of using your name.
What is the number they tattooed on their arms?
This is where the Selection takes place for all the residents of the area; about 25-30,000 people.
What is at the stadium?
6 million
What is the number of Jewish people killed in the Holocaust in the concentration camps?
The record setting number of points that LeBron James has scored in his career.
What is over 50,000?
To cite evidence and/or reasons to back up your main points
What is support?
These are the people who were saying things how bad the camps used to be and that they are better now and this made Elie upset because he was worried about the Selection.
Who are the prisoners who had been there a long time?
Their passports and other important documents.
What are the papers they had to bring to the Selection?
The number of Jews and other people who were killed at Auschwitz.
What is 1 million?
The artist dressed in red who performed with Kendrick Lamar at the Super Bowl.
Who is Sza?
To briefly give an overview of something
What is to summarize?
The prisoners had to run, look like they had energy and appear as if they could work during this upsetting event to be chosen to stay alive.
What is the Selection?
The families with a lot of kids, the older people and those who weren't working.
Who are the people that got sent to the left at the Selection and sent to the bad side of the stadium?
The name of the camp that Elie was in that he writes about in his story.
What is Auschwitz?
The number of minutes the package suggests cooking ramen noodles.
What is 3 minutes?
To examine thoroughly to understand it better; to break it down into parts to learn about something
What is to analyze something?
These things are what Elie's dad tried to give him as an inheritance when he thought he would not pass the unexpected Selection.
What are a knife and a spoon?
Who is the daughter of the author's grandfather that got sent to the left with her four kids that he climbed the barbed wire fence to go to help and sacrificed his own life and safety?
The name of the story we read that Elie Wiesel wrote.
What is Night?
Ms. Corwin's middle name.
What is Moneypenny?