What was the original purpose of the conch?
To bring people together
What is Dramatic Irony?
When the audience knows something that the characters do not.
What is the beast?
A dead pilot/parachutist
Why does Piggy suggest relighting the fire every morning and letting it die out each night?
Passing ships can't see the signal at night.
In the end, what happens to the conch?
It is destroyed, broken.
What is Ralph's main goal throughout the book?
To get rescued.
What literary device is used in this sentence: “The darkness seemed to flow round them like a tide.”
What causes Piggy's glasses to get completely smashed/broken?
The ambush by Jack's tribe.
What does Jack think about Simon's death?
That it was necessary because the beast was inhabiting him.
What does the conch ultimately represent?
Order, civility.
What literary device is represented when Roger throws stones at the littleun on the beach?
What is the weather like when the boys have their big feast on the beach?
A storm is coming.
What is Piggy's decision that ultimately leads to him getting killed?
He decides to confront Jack and get his glasses back.
When Piggy goes to confront Jack and his tribe, we know that he will be murdered. Why?
Jack previously said that if anyone enters their camp again they'll murder them. "We'll do our dance again."
Why was Ralph so angry when Jack killed the first pig?
Because Jack and the hunters let the fire go out and a ship passed by.
Why does Jack decide to split from the rest of the boys?
Nobody wants him to be chief.
What does the storm represent at the beach feast?
Something bad is about to happen.
What happens to Sam and Eric?
They are ordered to join the other tribe.
What does the British officer ask Ralph on the beach?
Are there any adults with you?
What literary device is used throughout the book starting in Chapter 6, when we see the pilot falling from the sky?
Dramatic irony
Why does Jack stick the pig's head on a stick?
As a gift for the beast.
Why does Ralph feel so guilty after the beach feast?
He took part in the murder of Simon.
How does Piggy die?
Roger sends a giant boulder crashing down on him.
They all begin to cry.