Short Reading (1 min)
Symbolism (20 seconds)
Q & A (1min 30 sec)
Trivia (20 seconds)

Roger edged past the chief, only just avoiding pushing him with his shoulder. The yelling ceased, and Samneric lay looking up in quiet terror. Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority (11.231). This excerpt reveals . . .
- A. Jack is the real threat, and Roger is merely his “henchman.”
- B. Jack and Roger share power equally.
- C. Roger likes to throw rocks and bully the little children. 

- D. As bad as Jack is, Roger is the one to look out for and to fear; he answers to no one.

What is "As bad as Jack is, Roger is the one to look out for and to fear; he answers to no one."


(1) Jack (and his tribe) represents and (2) Piggy symbolize
- A. (1) anarchy and (2) knowledge and morality
- B. (1) the military and (2) school authority
- C. (1) cannibals and (2) the medical profession
- D. (1) native peoples and (2) spiritualism

What is "(1) anarchy and (2) knowledge and morality "


What rules and regulations have the boys established at the beginning of Chapter 2? How does this play into the overall theme of the story to this point?


 What is Piggy's real name?

Never Revealed


Within the diamond haze of the beach something dark was fumbling along. Ralph saw it first, and watched until the intentness of his gaze drew all eyes that way. Then the creature stepped from mirage onto clear sand, and they saw that the darkness was not all shadow but mostly clothing. The creature was a party of boys […]. (1.184) This excerpt reveals . . .
A. Golding is describing the boys as a dark creature, suggesting from the first that “the beast” is with mankind.
B. Golding likes to create interesting images to keep the reader “on his toes.”
C. Golding is attempting to create a mysterious atmosphere.
D. Golding is describing the choir boys as a dark creature to demonstrate the wild imaginations of young school boys.

What is "Golding is describing the boys as a dark creature, suggesting from the first that “the beast” is with mankind. "


The Conch is a symbol of
- A. tyranny and anarchy.
- B. polite behavior and brotherhood.
- C. the high hand of authority and civilization.
- D. community.

What is "the high hand of authority and civilization"


Describe the tone and the mood at the beginning of the novel.


Define swathe (P. 38)

(n.) a long strip or large area especially of land 


You’ve noticed, haven’t you?” Jack put down his spear and squatted. “Noticed what?” “Well. They’re frightened.” He rolled over and peered into Jack’s fierce, dirty face. “I mean the way things are. They dream. You can hear ‘em. Have you been awake at night?” Jack shook his head. “They talk and scream. The littluns. Even some of the others. As if –” “As if it wasn’t a good island.” Astonished at the interruption, they looked up at Simon’s serious face. “As if,” said Simon, “the beastie, the beastie or the snake-thing, was real. Remember?” […] “If you’re hunting sometimes you catch yourself feeling as if –” [Jack] flushed suddenly. “There’s nothing in it of course. Just a feeling, but – being hunted, as if something’s behind you all the time in the jungle.” (3.58-82) This excerpt reveals . . .
A. Like the others, Ralph is worried that the beast may harm Jack.
B. Like so many negative emotions on the island, fear spreads quickly, from the littluns to the older boys.
C. The boys are concerned about their leadership abilities.
D. Although beautiful, the island is an evil place to be feared, and the boys are beginning to realize this.

What is "Like so many negative emotions on the island, fear spreads quickly, from the littluns to the older boys."


The Signal Fire is a representation of
- A. strength of their civilized union
- B. hope
- C. democracy
- D. Both "strength of their civilized union" and "hope" - E. All of the above

What is "both 'strength of their civilized union' and 'hope'"


What are the two lifestyles that are beginning to emerge and separate the boys? What does this tell you about the human condition?


What subject(s) did William Golding teach at school?

When did Lord of the Flies first publish?

English and Philosophy/ In 1954


Quote: “Life […] is scientific, that’s what it is. In a year or two when the world is over they’ll be traveling to Mars and back. I know there isn't no beast – not with claws and all that I mean – but I know there isn’t no fear either.” […] “Unless we get frightened of people.” This excerpt reveals . . .
- A. Piggy is using reason and “science” to warn the others against overreacting to imaginary “monsters.” - B. Piggy is using reason and “science” to convince himself that the beast does not exist.
- C. Piggy is too young to always reason soundly, but he does his best to logically evaluate their situation. - D. Both A and C
- E. All of the above

What is "all of the above"


This novel is seen as a microcosm of the bigger world. Examine the characters and find specific examples of how each boy represents a larger section of the world. Include the littluns as one character


How is Piggy portrayed as the figure of intellect and knowledge? Why do you think he gets very little respect? What does this tell you about physical appearances in terms of leadership?


During which year was the film version of "Lord of the Flies" starring James Aubrey released?

