Who says, “Look at us! How many are we? And yet we can’t keep a fire going to make smoke. Don’t you understand? Can’t you see we ought to—ought to die before we let the fire out?” (81).
Who is Ralph?
What rule does Piggy argue most about with the other boys?
What is the power of the conch?
How does Percival describe the beast?
What is it comes from the sea?
What do Sam and Eric mistake the beast for?
What is a dead pilot?
What rules are specifically made about the fire?
What is only have a fire in the mountains.
“You shut up, you littluns! What I mean is that I don’t agree about this here fear. Of course there isn’t nothing to be afraid of in the forest. Why—I been there myself! You’ll be talking about ghosts and such things next.” (83)
Who is Piggy?
Why doesn’t Piggy want Ralph to give up Chief?
What is Ralph is the only person who will protect him?
How does the Twins describe the beast
What is furry and has wings, teeth, and claws?
Why do the littluns cry after Percival cries?
What is sympathy and the remembrance of their sorrows?
What are the three new rules that Ralph wants the kids to follow(Other than fire)?
What is bringing water from the stream in coconut shells, assistance in shelter building, and using the bathroom in a specific place?
Who says, "'Last night I had a dream, a horrid dream, fighting with tings. I was outside by myself, fighting with things, those twisty things in the trees"'(84).
Who is Phill?
Where does Piggy stand during the assembly?
What is outside of the triangle?
How does Phill describe the beast?
What is twisty and in the trees?
What do all the littluns laugh about while Ralph is talking?
What is the lavatory complaint?
Why does Ralph not blow the conch?
What is he is afraid of the boys not coming back and not listening to him?