Symbolism (1)
Symbolism (2)
Death on the Island
Human Nature

Represents the "light" side of technology, tool-making, and human inventiveness.

Piggy's specs.


Represents authority, power, and democratic order.

The Conch.


Who is Ralph? Explain his relationship to the theme of civilization.

The novel’s protagonist, the twelve-year-old English boy who is elected leader of the group of boys marooned on the island. He attempts to coordinate the boys’ efforts to build a miniature civilization on the island until they can be rescued. He represents human beings’ civilizing instinct.


What kills the littlun with the "mulberry-colored birthmark"? What does the death of this character symbolize?

He is killed in the wildfire. His death symbolizes the recklessness and chaos of the boys and their destructive potential. His death hints at the savagery to come.


What ultimately leads the boys to descend into savagery?



Represents the "dark" side of technology, tool-making, and human inventiveness.

Jack's knife.


Represents hope and salvation, but also destruction and chaos.



Explain the significance of Jack's "mask-wearing" and explain how it relates to the theme of totalitarianism.

Jack's mask-wearing allows him to "forget" about his civilized side. He becomes an "awesome stranger" who is free from the taboos of his old life. The masks represent the idea of the group identity that is attached to the totalitarian idea, where people become more brutal and savage as they surrender their individuality and civilized morality.


Who is the only character in the novel NOT created by author William Golding? Explain this character's relationship the deaths on the island.

The Lord of the Flies. The Lord seeks to corrupt the boys and tempt them into savagery, evil, and violence. It is the Lord's influence which inspires the increasing level of brutality, aggression, and bloodlust.


What is a "taboo" and why is it so important to the idea of civilization? How are taboos enforced?

Taboos are things people are forbidden (not permitted) to do. They are important because they order society and help protect the weak from the strong. They are enforced through socialization and fear of punishment.


Explain what Piggy symbolizes and provide two examples of something he does which represents this.

Piggy symbolizes intelligence, education, logic, and rational thinking. Examples:

1.) He wants to take down all the boys' names after the crash.

2.) He teaches Ralph how to blow the conch.

3.) He suggests building the shelters and collecting water.


Explain what Jack symbolizes and provide two examples of something he does which represent this.

He symbolizes aggression, power-obsession, and the savage instinct. 

1.) He bullies Piggy because Piggy is weak and different.

2.) He obsesses over hunting and killing, forgetting about helping others or being rescued.

3.) He uses fear to control and manipulate others into following him.

Explain who the Lord of the Flies is and how this character relates to the themes of "good vs. evil" and "civilization vs. savagery."

The Lord of the Flies is a demonic god from ancient times. It symbolizes greed, pride, and corruption and all that is "evil" in human nature. The Lord takes joy ("fun") in corrupting humans and destroying the civilizations they build.


What are the details of Simon's death and its significance in the novel? What does Simon's death symbolize?

Simon is savagely killed by the boys in a terrified frenzy during a terrible storm. His death signifies the death of truth and the victory of fear over compassion and kindness. With Simon gone, the boys more easily fall into savagery and evil.


How does Jack control the other boys? Provide two examples and explain them. 

1.) Fear - Jack uses fear of the Beast to make himself seems stronger and more attractive as a leader. 

2.) Terror - Jack uses threats and violence against the other boys to keep them under his control. 

3.) Food - Jack provides meat to the boys to win them over to his tribe. 

4.) Identity/Hunting - Through the idea of hunting, Jack unites the boys and gives them a strong sense of power and belonging to a strong group.


Explain what Simon symbolizes and provide two examples that demonstrate this.

He represents the "light" (or "good") side of human nature. He is naturally kind, helpful, and selfless. He is not afraid and wants only to do what is best for the group.

1.) He helps the littluns gather fruit from high branches.

2.) He helps Ralph build shelters.

3.) He discovers the truth of the Beast and tries to tell the others.


Explain what Roger symbolizes and provide two examples that demonstrate this.

He symbolizes the "dark" side of human nature. He is naturally savage, violent, and cruel. He takes pleasure in hurting others and actively breaks taboos.

1.) He throws stones at Henry.

2.) He tortures the mother pig as he kills it.

3.) He beats the other boys to hurt and terrify them.


Ralph’s “lieutenant.” A whiny, intellectual boy, ______’s inventiveness frequently leads to innovation, such as the makeshift sundial that the boys use to tell time. _________ represents the scientific, rational side of civilization



What are the details of Piggy's death and its significance in the novel? What does Piggy's death symbolize?

Piggy is killed by Roger after the boy pushes a big rock off Castle Rock. Piggy's death symbolizes the triumph of savage cruelty over logic and rational thinking. As Piggy dies, the last hope for civilized thinking and organization dies with him.


According to the novel, what is man's natural state?

Man's natural state is one of savagery, cruelty, and an animalistic existence.


What does Castle Rock symbolize? Explain its symbolism in relation to "civilzation vs. savagery"?

Castle Rock is dirty and ugly, but it is secure and easily guarded. It symbolizes the savage (totalitarian) mindset of living in a state of fear and savagery, where violence and terror are always present. As the boys are always in fear of the Beast, Jack takes Castle Rock as his base to keep the others "safe" and under his power.


What does the island represent/symbolize? Why does Golding choose the island as his setting?

The island symbolizes a "perfect" environment such as "heaven on earth" or "paradise." It provides food and safety for the boys. Golding uses the island for his setting because its "perfection" allows him to examine human nature when free from negative environmental factors (danger, starvation, etc.).


Explain two key elements of totalitarianism and discuss how they function.

1.) Fear - totalitarianism requires that everybody fear and hate an outside enemy or force that they are convinced wishes to destroy them.

2.) Hopelessness - totalitarianism requires a population that feels generally hopeless and that will jump at any chance for something better.

3.) Group Identity ("Mob" mentality) - totalitarianism requires people to see themselves as part of a group above all else, giving up important aspects of their individuality (critical thinking, independent opinions, etc.).


Why does Jack order Ralph to be hunted down and killed? Explain the significance of the "sharpened stick" and what its intended use symbolizes.

Jack hates Ralph passionately because Ralph represents order, responsibility, and democracy - all things which Jack feels hold him back and keep him from power. Jack plans to offer Ralph's head to the beast, representing his ultimate fall into savagery and evil.


In his mind, Simon has a vision of human nature represented by TWO contrasting images. Describe these images and tell what they represent.

One image is of a man who looks "noble" and the other is a man who looks "sickly." These images represent the conflicting nature of humans (i.e. "good vs. evil").
