Through his novel, Golding suggests that when removed from the "rules of society" human beings will always become...
Savage / Animals
A pair of twins who although originally happy-go-lucky, end up closely allying themselves with Ralph and reap the consequences of this from Jack.
Sam and Eric
False: piggy's glasses
What country is William Golding from?
The younger boys are almost always acting on their IDs: eating fruit, swimming, playing, and screaming about the beastie.
The littluns would starve to death if not for the meat from Jack/the hunters
False: they eat the fruit.
True/False: Golding was a member of the British Army.
False: Royal Navy
Ralph’s “lieutenant.” A whiny, intellectual boy, ______’s inventiveness frequently leads to innovation, such as the makeshift sundial that the boys use to tell time. _________ represents the scientific, rational side of civilization
The name given to the pig’s head that Jack’s gang impales on a stake and erects in the forest as an offering to the “beast.” This thing "talks" to Simon.
Lord of the Flies
Represents fear
the beastie / monster
False: ID
The year Lord of the Flies was published
A shy, sensitive boy in the group. ________, in some ways the only naturally “good” character on the island, behaves kindly toward the younger boys and is willing to work for the good of their community. Moreover, because his motivation is rooted in his deep feeling of connectedness to nature, _______ is the only character whose sense of morality does not seem to have been imposed by society. ______ represents a kind of natural goodness
Represent rationality and logic
Piggy's glasses
Both Piggy's parents are dead
What is the name of the novel that Golding took inspiration and his character's names from?
Coral Island
Jack’s “lieutenant.” A sadistic, cruel older boy who brutalizes the littluns and has a mean streak.
Roger is unable to throw rocks directly at the littluns because of the laws of society/civilization