In Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
In this game you solve all of your problems by punching them right in the face.
God of War
Welcome to a time where the tallest person who could read was put in charge of a country
Abraham Lincoln
What is the full name of Nearly Headless Nick?
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
Which country uses cheese and macarons the most?
Which fairytale were the first gingerbread houses inspired by?
Hansel and Gretel
This game is what happens when you give a first year film student a blank cheque and tell them to make a game
Death Stranding
Great man that schools teach you to hate at a very young age
William Shakespeare
What does Professor Kettleburn wish to do after retiring from Hogwarts?
Enjoy more time with his remaining limbs
What is the national animal of Scotland?
An unicorn
What colour was the ticket from Polar Express?
Feel like a champion, look like an idiot, and lose 15 kg while you're at it
Beat Saber
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with an average voter
William Churchill
How many staircases does Hogwarts have?
Which animal can hold their breath for the longest?
What is the full address of Kevin from Home Alone?
671 Lincoln Avenue
For every player who can single handedly wipe out an army there are 10 others who can strum Through The Fire And Flames perfectly on a lute
Spending 40 years wearing nothing but black to get over an ex is a sign of insanity but nobody will tell it to the most powerful woman on Earth
Queen Victoria
What is Ron's middle name?
What's the name of the fear of number 13?
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
Some say there are nuclear test sites less toxic than this game
League of Legends
A pacifist who encouraged United States to get nuclear weapons
Albert Einstein
What does S.P.E.W. stand for?
Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare
There exists a very famous book that uses less than 50 words, which started out as a bet. What is the book's title?
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss