True or False: Lori made the first move by asking Joey to prom?
What is: True
Lori and Joey share the same birthday. When is it? (Month + Day)
When is: July 8th
Who is Lori's favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) superhero?
Who is: Spider-Man
Where is the wedding happening?
Where is: Unison Restaurant & Banquet
Everyone always says that this is Lori & Joey's song... What song is it?
What is: Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Where did Joey propose? (what state?)
What is: Florida
When is the wedding? (month, day, & year)
When is: July 19, 2025
What is: Team Jacob
The wedding decor is inspired by what book series?
What is: The Twilight Saga
What movie franchise do Lori & Joey watch together the most?
What is: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Including their Twilight Forever birthday, how many proms have Lori & Joey gone to together?
What is: 4
What month & year did Joey propose?
When is: August of 2023
What is Lori's current job title?
What is: Academic Advisor
How many bridesmaids are there in Lori's bridal party?
What is: 6
How many kids do Lori & Joey want?
What is: 4
Lori and Joey have been living together for almost a year and a half now... If you were sitting on their couch, how many animals would you see in their decor?
What is: 5 (3 fish on the wall, 1 fish in our TV stand, and 1 deer above the dining table)
When is Lori & Joey's dating anniversary? (Month, day, & year)
When is: May 18, 2016
What is Lori's current go-to coffee order?
What is: Iced Vietnamese Coffee
The wedding dress code include what three colors?
What are: green, lavender, and gold
Where is Lori & Joey's favorite place to eat together?
Where is: Friends Cafe
What movie did Lori & Joey watch on their first date?
What is: Zootopia
We are currently enjoying Lori's bachelorette trip... When is Joey going on his bachelor trip? (date range - month & days)
When is: June 19th - 22nd
Growing up, Lori always said that her ideal age to get married was...?
What is: 26 years old
Lori and Joey are not going on a honeymoon. What are they hoping to do with that money instead?
What is: Put a down payment on a house
What did Lori do that made Joey realize that she was the one? (Hint: Ivy League Trip)
What is: Fell asleep on his shoulder during a long car ride