The word cognate is a cognado word. Cierto o Falso?
Cierto: Cognates=Cognados
Tell me this cognate in Spanish:
What is the perfect cognate of the English word Animal in Spanish.
What does Spanish word "Éxito" mean in english ?
Looks like "exit" in English, but means "success" in Spanish.
Translate the English word "information" to Spanish.
The cognate is a word that has the same spelling and meaning in English and Spanish. Cierto o Falso?
Some cognates have the same meaning but are NOT written the same, but are written similarly in English and Spanish. Example Music
Translate: Dificultad
Identify a cognate for ACTOR in Spanish...
What is the English meaning of the spanish word "sopa"?
What is the Spanish equivalent of the English word "famous"?
Can cognates help us learn English or Spanish . Cierto o Falso
Cognates use vocabulary we already know to learn words in another language.
Translate into English: El papa de Edi es un Elefante.
Edi's dad is an Elephant.
What is the Spanish equivalent of the English word director that is also a perfect cognate?
Identify the meaning of the Spanish word "pie" in English.
Translate Family from English to Spanish.
A perfect cognate is ________
A "perfect cognate" is a word that is identical or nearly identical in spelling and meaning between two languages.
Ex: chocolate, doctor
All of these words are cognates: Opinion Amigo Cebra
Parque Leon Hospital
No. Amigo = friend is not a cognate. Amigo is a term that is familiar to nearly everyone, yet when translated, it may not be pronounced or read identically in English, even though it has the same meaning.
All of these words are perfect cognates except
Opinion Hospital Motor
Hotel Economico Principal
What is the English translation of the Spanish word "ropa"?
Provide the Spanish translation for "conversation" and identify the type of cognate.
Conversacion- perfect cognate
Cognates help us learn Spanish by recognizing and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ new vocabulary more easily.
What do we call false cognates?
We call false cognates those words that look and sound similar in Spanish and English but have different meanings.
All of these are perfect cognates except:
Excursion, Destino, Flexible, Miserable
"Librería": May look like "library" but means _________ in Spanish
Provide the Spanish translation for "Generic" and identify the type of cognate.