I have to eat food.
Tengo que comer la comida.
I have to help my mom
Tengo que ayudar mi madre.
He take out the garbage.
Él saca la basura
We make the bed.
Nosotros hacemos la cama.
I clean the bathroom.
yo limpio el baño
My sister is cold.
Mi hermana tiene fria
My brother is sleep
Mi hermano tiene sueno
You dry the clothes.
Tú secas la ropa
I wash the dishes in Spanish?
yo lavo los platos.
We arrange the house?
Nosotros arreglamos la casa.
We are thirsty.
Tenemos sed.
How old are you?
Cuantos anos tienes?
my father wash the car.
mi padre lava el carro.
my sister set the table in spanish?
mi hermana pone la mesa.
You guys take care of the kids.
Ustedes cuidan los niños.
You are hungry. You have to eat.
Tienes hambre. Tienes que comer.
We are successful.
Tenemos exitos
You (formal) water the plants.
Usted riega las plantas.
I clean the kitchen every day?
Yo limpio la cocina todos los dias.
I put the dishes away?
yo guardo los platos.
Mi brother does not have to work tomorrow. He is lucky.
Mi hermano no tiene que trabajar manana. El tiene suerte.
I am right and you are wrong.
Tengo razon y tu no razon
They vacuum the floor.
Ustedes pasan la aspiradora.
My mom buys food?
mi madre compra la comida.
I don't like to do the house chores?
No me gusta hacer los quehaceres.