What are the forms of communication?
What is phone call, text, email, and mail?
When is a wellness check completed?
What is one week before the 30-business day closure date with saftey conerns?
How can you contact family in home country?
What is international calling and WhatsApp?
How often should you call the family?
What is at least twice a week during the first week, followed by at least once a week thereafter?
What day is the NOC submitted?
What is 30 business day closure date?
Where can you find caregiver phone number?
What is FRA or sponsor assessment?
What is included in the LOC letter?
What is date that their case will be close, PRS worker contact #, and resource list?
What are the safety concerns for an LOC NOC?
What is safety concern involves physical and/or psychological safety of the child (e.g., concerns related to trafficking, disability-related needs, abuse, maltreatment, exploitation, acute mental health crisis, placement disruption, etc.)?
Where can you find CM email address?
What is the PRS tab or release request?
** Bonus - What policy section is the LOC located?
What is Section 3.16.2 ?