What character clings to the conch for power?
Who is piggy?
What do they call the plane crash?
What is the scar?
What do the children have in society that they don't have on the island?
What is Rules?
In the beginning what is the major symbol of power?
What is the conch?
Who teaches Ralph to use the conch?
Who is Piggy?
What does Ralph do to make the kids feel safe?
What is building shacks?
What do the children lose at Simons death?
What symbolizes the boys hope?
What is the fire?
Who is obsessed with power?
Who is Jack?
Why do they poke Robert with sticks?
What is he is playing pig
What is the symbolism of Piggy's glasses?
What is science?
What Symbol was unimportant at the beginning but saves them?
What is the fire?
Who knows what the real beast is?
Who is Simon?
At what point in the book does it start thunder storming?
What is Simon's death?
What is the Lord of The Flies?
What is the pigs head?
What symbolizes a normal society on the island?
What are littluns?
Who drops the boulder on piggy's head?
Who is Roger?
At what point do the boys lose their manners?
What is Simons death?
What is a sign of devolving?
What is painted faces?
What symbolizes the inner evil in the boys?
What is the beast?