Famous Quotes
Middle-Earth Geography
Fellowship of the Ring
Battles of Middle-Earth
Elves, Dwarves, and Men

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." This character says these words to Galadriel, referring to Frodo's role in the quest.

Who is Elrond?


This city, known for its white walls, is the capital of Gondor and the site of the final battle in The Return of the King.

What is Minas Tirith?


This character, known for his wisdom and leadership, is the wizard who forms the Fellowship of the Ring.

Who is Gandalf?


This battle, fought between the forces of Saruman and the people of Rohan, is won by the defenders at Helm’s Deep.

What is the Battle of Helm's Deep?


This Elf is the Lady of Lothlórien, known for her beauty and wisdom, and the wife of Lord Celeborn.

Who is Galadriel?


"One does not simply walk into Mordor." This iconic line is spoken by this character, a member of the Fellowship.

Who is Boromir?


The forest home of the Elves, ruled by Thranduil, is located in the northern part of Middle-earth.

What is Mirkwood?


This Elf, skilled with a bow, is the member of the Fellowship from Mirkwood, known for his loyalty and bravery.

Who is Legolas?


This pivotal battle takes place in The Return of the King, where the forces of Sauron face the combined armies of Gondor and Rohan at the gates of Minas Tirith.

What is the Battle of the Pelennor Fields?


This Dwarf is the son of Glóin, a member of the Fellowship, and known for his rivalry with Legolas.

Who is Gimli?


"There is some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for." This loyal Hobbit says these words to Frodo during their journey.

Who is Samwise Gamgee?


This vast, barren land, home to the Dark Lord Sauron, is where Mount Doom is located.

What is Mordor?


This dwarf, son of Glóin, is a member of the Fellowship and the only dwarf in the group, often paired with Legolas.

Who is Gimli?


This earlier battle, fought in the Second Age, is where the Last Alliance of Elves and Men defeated Sauron and his forces, leading to the loss of the One Ring.

What is the Battle of Dagorlad?


This human character, the son of Arathorn, is a key member of the Fellowship, known for his skills as a ranger and later revealed to be the heir to the throne of Gondor.

Who is Aragorn?


"I am no man!" This battle cry is uttered by this character during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.

Who is Éowyn?


The ancient Elven kingdom, hidden in the woods and ruled by Gil-galad, was located near the mouth of the river Anduin, and was destroyed during the Second Age.

What is Lindon?


This man, the son of Denethor and a member of the Fellowship, becomes a key figure in the defense of Gondor.

Who is Boromir?


This battle, fought near the River Anduin, is where the forces of Gondor, led by Boromir, try to defend Osgiliath from the advancing army of Mordor.

What is the Battle of Osgiliath?


This Elf is the son of Thingol and Melian, a prince of the Noldor, and the greatest of the Elven leaders in Middle-earth during the First Age.

Who is Elrond?


"My precious." This phrase is famously spoken by this character, who becomes obsessed with the One Ring.

Who is Gollum?


This dark, corrupted forest once known as Eryn Galen was taken over by the power of Sauron during the Third Age. It is where the Ents later defeat Saruman's forces.

What is the Old Forest?


This Hobbit is the Ring-bearer and the main protagonist of the story, chosen to carry the One Ring to Mount Doom.

Who is Frodo Baggins?


This battle, during the War of the Ring, takes place at the Black Gate of Mordor, designed to draw Sauron’s forces away from Frodo’s mission to destroy the Ring.

What is the Battle of the Black Gate?


This legendary Dwarf king, the father of Thorin Oakenshield, was the ruler of Erebor before the kingdom was taken over by Smaug the dragon.

Who is Thrain?
