Loves to eat bamboo
What is a panda?
This temple is actually in Maryland
What is the Washington D.C. Temple?
In Finding Nemo the main character is this type of fish
What is a clownfish?
First woman on Earth
Who is Eve?
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me
What is I am a Child of God?
They shoot ink when they feel threatened
What are squid/octopus?
This angel is on top of most temples
Who is Angel Moroni?
The name of the cowboy in Toy Story
What is Woody?
The mother of Jesus Christ
Who is Mary?
To shine for him each day. In every way try to please him in all I do and say
What is Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam?
This is the only mammal that can fly
What is a bat?
A worthy member of the Church who is turning 12 years old may participate in this sacred ordinance
What is baptism for the dead?
The Iron Giant's catchphrase
What is "I am Superman"?
The mother of Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph
Who is Sariah?
Then let us in his footsteps tread, For thus alone can we be one. With God's own loved begotten son
What is Come Follow Me?
They originally come from mongolia
What is a horse?
You need to have this piece of paper before entering the temple
What is a temple recommend?
In Aladdin, the Genie was trapped in the lamp for this length of time
What is 10,000 years?
The Israelite Queen of Persia that sought to save her people at the risk of her own life
Who is Esther?
Far and wide we tell the Father's story
What is Called to Serve?
They are territorial in the water, but not while grazing on the land (in Africa)
What is a hippopotamus?
This is the most commonly asked question at the Salt Lake Temple Visitors Center
What is "where is the bathroom"?
In the Little Mermaid, Scuttle gave the fork this name
What is dinglehopper?
Raised honorable men to fight with Helaman
Who are the Mothers of the Stripling Warriors?
To lighten our minds with its rays
What is We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet?