If you need to slow down or stop when other drivers might not expect it, what should you do?
Quickly tap your brake a few times.
A green arrow pointing to the left means
You may make a protected Turn in that direction.
What should you do if a tire blows out while driving?
1) hold the steering wheel tightly
2) slowly release the gas pedal and brake gently
3)bring the car to a stop off road and change the tire
If you want to park your car downhill, which way do you turn your tires?
Towards the side of the road.
When you drive through an area where children are playing, you can expect them to
Run out in front of you without looking
Drivers who eat and drink while driving
Have trouble controlling their vehicle.
You may not drive faster than 65 except when
Another speed limit is posted
If a pedestrian is in a crosswalk in the middle of a block
The pedestrian has right of way
The car behind you begins to pass, you should
Slow down slightly, but stay in your lane.
What are the colors of a sign that tell you the distance to the next exit of a highway
Green with white letters.
You may drive across a sidewalk to:
Enter or exit an alley or driveway.
On a two-way highway, you are allowed to drive on the left half of the roadway when:
It is safe to pass and passing is allowed.