Test Items 1-5
Test Items 6-10
Test Items 11-15
Test Items 16-20
Test Items 21-25

Which U.S. foreign policy goal led to Louisiana becoming part of the United States in 1803?
a. The desire to secure the nation’s western border against Spain.
b. The desire to protect the nation’s interior from the British.
c. The desire to gain control of the Mississippi River.
d. The desire to provide a home for American Indians.

The desire to gain control of the Mississippi River.


Who was the leader of the French government when the United States purchased Louisiana?
a. Jean Lafitte
b. Louis XVI
c. Napoleon Bonaparte
d. Toussaint L’Ouverture

Napoleon Bonaparte


Which treaty settled the issue of the boundary dispute between Louisiana and Spanish Texas?
a. Adams-Onis
b. Ghent
c. Paris
d. Utrecht



Who is credited with developing the type of boat shown in the picture?
a. Andrew Higgins
b. Antonio Sedella
c. James Watt
d. Robert Fulton

Robert Fulton


Which is the correct sequence of transfers of Louisiana to the United States?
a. France to Spain then Spain to the United States
b. Spain to France then France to the United States
c. Spain to France then France to Pierre Clément de Laussat
d. France to Spain then Pierre Clément de Laussat to the United States

Spain to France then France to the United States


After taking power, Napoleon negotiated with Spain to have the Louisiana Territory returned to France. Napoleon believed that controlling New Orleans and the Mississippi River would allow France to _____________.  
a. establish a trade route to the Pacific Ocean.
b. push Spain out of Central America.
c. control trade of American cotton.
d. reconquer territory lost to the British.

reconquer territory lost to the British


Which explains why France decided to sell Louisiana to the United States?
a. The French had no endearing ties to Louisiana and lost interest.
b. The new French government no longer wanted a colonial empire.
c. The colony of Louisiana did not support France during the French Revolution.
d. Napoleon’s failure to control Saint-Domingue rendered Louisiana useless to the French leader.

Napoleon’s failure to control Saint-Domingue rendered Louisiana useless to the French leader.


Which event led Thomas Jefferson to take steps that resulted in the Louisiana Purchase?
a. The War of 1812 weakened Spain’s resolve to control North America.
b. Spain repeatedly closed the Mississippi River to U.S. shipping.
c. France needed money following the end of the French Revolution.
d. Father Antonio Sedella was sent back to Spain, angering New Orleans residents.

Spain repeatedly closed the Mississippi River to U.S. shipping.


What feature helped to form a natural boundary between Spanish and American lands in the late 1700s?
a. Appalachian Mountains
b. Great Plains
c. Mississippi River
d. Red River

Mississippi River


Which explains Thomas Jefferson’s concern about the Louisiana Purchase?
a. The country would become too large too fast.
b. The natives on the land would have to be relocated.
c. He knew there was no constitutional authority for purchasing land.
d. He feared a Spanish attack along the country’s new western border.

He knew there was no constitutional authority for purchasing land.


The location of New Orleans helped the British during the War of 1812 by enabling them to ____.
a. bomb the low-lying city from high, protected positions.
b. create a naval blockade of the city.
c. distribute military supplies to British soldiers across the South.
d. attack U.S. troops from behind.

create a naval blockade of the city.


Who was the first governor of the Territory of Orleans?
a. Julien Poydras
b. Nicholas Roosevelt
c. Philemon Thomas
d. William Claiborne

William Claiborne


In what year did Louisiana reach statehood?
a. 1795
b. 1803
c. 1812
d. 1815



How was the port of New Orleans related to the economic success of the United States in the late 1700s?
a. Goods could be shipped through this port tax free.
b. It was the only port large enough to facilitate international trade.
c. It was the only international port controlled by the United States.
d. Its connection to the Mississippi made both importing and exporting goods more profitable.

Its connection to the Mississippi made both importing and exporting goods more profitable.


 How did the Adams-Onís Treaty alter the United States’ land claims? (8.7.1)
a. The United States eliminated Spanish claims in North America.
b. The United States sold a large portion of the Louisiana Purchase land to Missouri.
c. The United States gained control of Florida and defined its borders with Spanish claims.
d. The United States ceded parts of the Louisiana Purchase to Spain in exchange for control of Texas.

The United States gained control of Florida and defined its borders with Spanish claims.


The original Louisiana State Constitution, from 1812, was written in order to ____.
a. make the Louisiana Purchase possible
b. organize a state government for Louisiana
c. grant Louisiana representation in Congress
d. ratify the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution

organize a state government for Louisiana


Who was president of the United States at the time of the Louisiana Purchase?
a. James Madison
b. James Monroe
c. John Adams
d. Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson


Which event occurred in 1803?
a. Louisiana Purchase
b. Battle of New Orleans
c. Louisiana became a state
d. Father Antonio Sedella returned to Spain

Louisiana Purchase


Why did Thomas Jefferson want to purchase New Orleans from France?
a. He wanted to look for oil, natural resources, and national park land.
b. He knew the city’s rich history would increase the nation’s profits from tourists.
c. He wanted to establish permanent access to the Mississippi and control the port.
d. He wanted to control trade along the Red River and extend the nation’s borders.

 He wanted to establish permanent access to the Mississippi and control the port.


In which two ways did Britain provoke the United States into another conflict in 1812?
a. raised taxes and blockaded ports
b. suspended all imports and exports
c. impressed sailors and refused to abandon forts
d. destroyed the White House and captured New Orleans

impressed sailors and refused to abandon forts


From whom did the United States purchase the Louisiana territory?
a. Cuba
b. England
c. France
d. Spain



Which explains how the United States gained control of  West Florida?
a. They bought it.
b. They annexed it.
c. They won it in a war.
d. They accepted it as a gift.

They annexed it.


Which event returned control of  Louisiana to the French?
a. War of 1812
b. Treaty of Ghent
c. Pinckney’s Treaty
d. Treaty of San Ildefonso

Treaty of San Ildefonso


Which conclusion can be drawn about the impact of the Louisiana Purchase?
a. It divided the nation into three regions.
b. It more than doubled the size of the country.
c. It eliminated British claims in North America.
d. It separated the U.S. from all Spanish claims.

It more than doubled the size of the country.


Which treaty ended the War of 1812?
a. Adams Onís
b. Ghent
c. Paris
d. Pinckney’s

