Your girlfriend is meeting with another guy, she is ...
cheating on you
When you feel surprise and admiration because it is so beautiful or exciting
it takes your breath away
two people who are obviously very much in love with each other
Like someone and be friendly towards
Get on well with
To meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them
Bump into
To be attracted; to love someone
To have a crush on
romantic love that a young person feels for someone else, which usually disappears as the young person becomes older
puppy love
To end the relationship with your partner
Split up with
When your best friend feel depressed, you must
The experience of starting to be in love with someone as soon as you see them for the first time
love at first sight
having formally agreed to marry:
To spend time doing unimportant things with someone
Mess around with
An occasion when you put things in order or in their correct place
to sort out
To ask someone to marry you:
To pop the question
A couple who show their love for each other in public by touching each other and saying loving things
They are lovey-dovey
To spend time with someone
That can't be true, you must be...
making it up!
Disobey the usual rules about reasonable behaviour
all's fair in love and war
The house or flat where two people who are having a love affair live or meet
Love nest
To recover
Get over it