The simplest way to find out what will keep an employee engaged
One of the best ways to show employees they are valued
What is "Treat them with dignity and respect."
One reason employees leave—even if the pay is great?
What is "Lack of flexibility in work schedules or roles."
How networking impacts retention
What is "Strong workplace relationships create a sense of belonging."
The #1 reason employees stay in a company
What is "They trust their manager"
What to do if an employee says they’re thinking of leaving
What is "Listen first—don't get defensive. Find out why."
What is "They are willing to give discretionary effort—going beyond the minimum."
A “jerk” in the workplace according to Love ‘Em
What is "A toxic leader or coworker who drives employees away."
One way managers can help employees feel a sense of ownership
What is "Give them autonomy in decision-making."
This is better: avoiding difficult conversations or telling the truth
What is "The truth! Employees respect honesty."
According to Love ‘Em, this is the biggest myth about career development
What is "It’s only about promotions." Growth comes in many forms!
This is the worst kind of feedback?
What is "No feedback at all!" Employees need input to grow.
Money or meaning - this motivates employees more
What is "Meaning! People want purpose in their work."
What managers can do to ignite passion in their teams
What is "Connect employees’ work to a bigger purpose."
One thing every manager should understand about retention
What is "It’s their responsibility—not just HR’s"
A powerful question a manager can ask to learn an employee’s career goals
What is "What would make this job more fulfilling for you?"
One reason managers should discuss future goals with employees—even if a promotion isn’t available
What is "Growth keeps employees engaged, even without a title change."
One way to “link” employees to the bigger picture?
What is "Show them how their work impacts the company’s success."
How a simple question can engagement
What is "Asking 'What do you think?'" This makes employees feel valued.
How company values impact retention
What is "Employees stay where values align with their own."
"Buck" refers to what in Love ‘Em?
What is "Managers shouldn’t pass the buck—they are responsible for retention!"
The biggest hiring mistake managers make
What is "Hiring for skills and ignoring cultural fit"
The #1 thing great mentors do
What is "Actively listen and help employees navigate career choices."
One thing employees respect most in a leader
What is "Authenticity—walking the talk and being real."
One way managers can prevent unwanted turnover
What is "Find out why employees stay and do more of it"