This is the number of sacraments in the Catholic Church.
What is seven?
This saint was one of the first disciples of Jesus and became the first pope.
Who is St. Peter?
As Catholics, we believe in one God, but three ______.
What are Persons?
I believe in one God, the ________.
Who is the Father Almighty?
This is widely considered to be the best state in the U.S.
What is OHIO?
These are the three sacraments of initiation.
What is baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist?
This is the name of the Pope Emeritus (former pope) who died on December 31, 2022.
Who is Pope Benedict XVI?
These are the three Persons of the Trinity.
Who are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
I believe in one Lord, ______, the only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.
Who is Jesus Christ?
This is the number of books in the Chronicles of Narnia and the Harry Potter series.
What is seven?
These are the two sacraments of healing.
What are Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation?
The Catholic Church has existed for approximately this many years.
What is 2,000?
This saint is attributed to using a three-leaf clover to explain the Trinity.
Who is St. Patrick?
For our sake he was crucified under ________.
Who is Pontius Pilate?
This is the number of total psalms and also the original number of Pokemon.
What is 150?
These are the three sacraments where the Holy Spirit gives you an indelible (permanent) mark on your soul.
What is baptism, confirmation, and Holy Orders?
The Nicene Creed composed in the year 325 in this Turkish city.
What is Nicea?
God so loved the world that he sent his only ____, so that whoever believes in him might not perish but have eternal life.
What is Son?
I believe in the ______, the Lord, the giver of life.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
This is the funniest Star Wars movie and the best one to use for memes.
What is Revenge of the Sith?
This is the word for when the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ.
What is transubstantiation?
This is the word for when the Church's bishops and pope gather to more clearly define doctrine or dogma.
What is a Council?
This is the meaning of the words divine revelation?
What is revealed by God, or God revealing truths about himself?
I believe in one, ____, ____, and _____ Church.
What is holy, catholic, and apostolic?
J.R.R. Tolkien was a Catholic author who wrote this best fantasy trilogy of all time.
What is the Lord of the Rings?