Who made the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world?
Who were the two sisters and brother that were close friends of Jesus?
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
Who was the father that almost sacrificed his son out of obedience and trust in God?
What is the greatest demonstration of God’s love?
"Sending Jesus to die for our sins"
In Matthew 18, how many times did Jesus say we should forgive others?
"Seventy times seven"
What man allowed himself to be thrown into the sea to calm a storm, showing concern for others?
What two prophets with similar names encouraged each other in their difficult ministries?
Elijah and Elisha
What father welcomed his prodigal son back with open arms? (Name the Parable)
the father in the Parable of the Prodigal Son
What is the well-known Bible verse that says, "For God so loved the world..."?
Who forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery?
Who gave up his throne as a prince to lead the Israelites out of Egypt?
Who was the friend of Job who remained silent with him in his suffering for seven days?
Eliphaz, Bildad, or Zophar
Who grieved deeply for his son Absalom, even though he had rebelled?
What chapter is often called the "Love Chapter"?
1 Corinthians 13
Which martyr forgave those who stoned him while he was dying?
What woman gave up her son to be raised in the temple as a servant of God?
Who was David’s best friend who protected him from King Saul?
What mother prayed fervently for a child and later dedicated him to God?
What New Testament book states that nothing can separate us from God's love?
Who ran to embrace his brother after years of separation, showing forgiveness for stealing his birthright?
Which queen risked her life to save the Israelites from destruction?
Who was Paul’s close companion in many of his missionary journeys?
Who was the mother of Moses who showed great love by hiding him?
What prophet married an unfaithful wife to show God’s love for Israel?
God sent venomous snakes to punish disobedient Israel, causing many to die. What did God instruct Moses to make to save them?
a bronze snake on a pole