CS Lewis wrote a book called "The Four ________"
Who coined the phrase "Star crossed lovers"
William Shakespeare
What mammal has the largest heart?
When you have 0 points in tennis, what's that called?
Who typically has a faster heartrate, a man or a woman?
What are the top ways to ruin love:
1. Don't communicate
2. Don't honor
3. Cheat
4. Physical Violence
Pickup line: "I see your standing in the frozen food section, you're...
making all this stuff melt
An 80s song goes..."what is _______, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more"
Fill in the blank
Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst won an award for best kiss in a movie, what movie?
Spider Man
They say football is mainly about the food. Give me 3 NFL players (past or present), that have food reference in their name.
Jerry Rice (49ers)
The refrigerator Perry (Bears)
Jack Ham, Jerod Mayo, Julius Peppers
Studies reveal that it only takes 4 minutes to determine whether you love someone. This epitomizes the phrase:
Love _____ _________ ____________
The movie where the high school senior pays a popular girl $1000 dollars to go out with him to make him a popular guy with the popular kids. The movie is called?
Can't buy me Love
Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast...where specifically is this found?
1 Corinthians 13
In Greek mythology, the god of love is ______
Philly is called the city....
of brotherly LOVE
Sometimes you love someone but you have to do something they may not like, this is called...
Tough Love
What's the french word for love?
On average, how many times does a heart beat in a day?
Estimate, must be within 10,000
Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling star as star crossed lovers in what movie?
The Notebook
What state is the most chocolate made?
In Roman mythology, who is the son of Mercury and Venus?
"You complete me" is a famous movie line, what movie?
Forrest Gump said Life is......
like a box of chocolates
What city did Elvis Presley get married?
Las Vegas
West Side Story is based on what literary classic?
William Shakespeare...
Romeo and Juliet