where an artifact was found and what it was found with
4 subfields of anthropology
1. archaeology
2. biological anthropology
3. cultural anthropology
4. linguistic anthropology
involves dating objects relative to other objects or events
relative dating
One of the most well known archaeologists in media, known for carrying around a whip
Indiana Jones
this site in France is famous for its Paleolithic cave paintings
this method is used to separate lighter plant remains from heavier soil and artifacts, providing valuable information about past diets and environments.
this term refers to judging people of other cultures through the view of your own cultural system.
the scientific method of dating tree rings to the exact year they were formed in a tree
Which movie popularized historical archaeology by having the main character attempt to steal the Declaration of Independence?
National Treasure
branch of applied archaeology aimed at preserving sites threatened by dams, highways, and other projects.
cultural resource management (CRM)
the first stone tools made by humans
oldowan tools
this anthropologist is known for their work on the concept of "thick description" in ethnographic research.
clifford geertz
a method used to determine the age of rocks by measuring the ratio of argon isotopes
argon-argon dating
What recent Netflix movie focuses on archaeology in Britain during World War II?
The Dig
a laser-based technology that helps archaeologists map landscapes and uncover archaeological sites
the study of animal bones found at archaeological sites to understand human diet and subsistence practices
famous anthropologist that developed the idea of cultural relativism and founded the first anthropology department in the US
a technique that measures the amount of radiation stored in a material to determine how long ago it was heated or exposed to sunlight
fictional female archaeologist who has her own movies AND video games
lara croft
which United States Presidents' mom was an anthropologist specializing in economic anthropology and rural development?
Barack Obama
an archaeological theory that emphasizes the subjective interpretation of artifacts and the role of culture in understanding the past
post-processual archaeology
this hypothesis, also known as linguistic relativity, suggests that the language we speak influences how we think.
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
type of dating that provides a measure of time since sediment grains were deposited and shielded from further light or heat exposure
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)
in the film The Mummy (1999), what specific artifact does Rick O'Connell discover that sets the plot in motion
a map hidden inside a hollow statue of Anubis.
Considered one of the oldest, if not the oldest, ritual complex in the world. Found in Turkey, it is comprised of many large circles with carved monoliths in them.
Gobekli Tepe