New couple gets a sinking feeling about the future of their relation-ship
What is Titanic?
There is no way I can prevent myself from becoming infatuated with you
What is Can't Help Falling in Love?
The invention of this made the creation of books faster and thus cheaper to buy
What is the printing press?
These animals have the largest hearts out of any mammals
What are whales?
Pasta Applebee's
What is Olive Garden?
Bookish outcast is taken prisoner only to fall in love with her monstrous oppressor
What is Beauty and the Beast?
She's clad in tall shoes, I bear sketchers, she's the leader of the pep people, I sit idly on the side metal seats
What is You Belong With Me?
This religion follows the teachings of Lao Tzu
What is Taoism?
Uncomfortable squeezing, pressure, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest are symptoms of this
What is a heart attack?
Yee-Haw Applebee's
What is Texas Roudhouse?
Couple are like fire and water, but the guy's cooling presence tempers her fiery temper, resulting in a sweet love story
I bear no pride for all the violence I have committed, all in honor of one I no longer associate with. Shame from being youthful, inebriated, and solitary, signal lights and long-distance communication devices
What is Dial Drunk?
The idea that your value as a human increases by studying science and the arts
What is humanism?
The heart is roughly the size of this body part
What is a fist?
Under the Sea Applebee's
What is Red Lobster?
Guy practices proposing and accidentally gets engaged with a woman who was ditched by her sinister suitor
What is Corpse Bride?
In the past, we were deeply infatuated, now we are separating. There appears naught I can do, a complete darkening of the cardiovascular organ.
What is Total Eclipse of the Heart?
The exchange of service for protection between serfs and their lords
What is feudalism?
More serious heart attacks occur on this day than any other day of the week.
What is Monday?
Crikey Applebee's
What is Outback Steakhouse?
Love triangle between two childhood best friends and a woman is probably more important that the war tragedy at the end
What is Pearl Harbor?
Perhaps I should surrender, or perhaps I should continue to pursue paved pathways, even if they head in a pointless direction?
What is Chasing Pavements?
Term for maximizing exports to maximize profits, with raw materials coming out of colonies and finished goods coming out of Europe
What is mercantalism?
This blood vessel is about as big as a garden hose and carries the most blood
What is the aorta?
Southwest Applebee's
What is Chilli's?