UNDRIP & Calls to Action
Change Makers

What percent of Indigenous Students report having to contend with Racism. (Within 5%) 

45% of Indigenous Students report having to deal with Racism


How many UNDRIP Rights are there related to Indigenous Education?

There are 3 UNDRIP Rights related to Indigenous Education.


List one reason Indigenous Education levels are lower. 

Racism, Residential Schools, Sixties Scoop, Colonialism, and the Millennials scoop


Whats a Change Maker?

Someone who is trying to make a change to a certain issue, making it better.

Define ReconciliACTION. 

Small day to day actions individuals can take to improve the relations of Indigenous Peoples and Canada


What percent of Indigenous Peoples have a post secondary Education? ( Within 5%) 

53% of Indigenous Students have a post secondary Education.


What does UNDRIP stand for?

United Nations Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples 


What are different ways Indigenous Peoples teach their children. (list 1)

Oral teachings, Community Practices, Group socialization, and Observation.


What is the name of one of the Changemakers?

Belinda Daniels and Shannen Koostachin


What ages are we looking to educate in order to improve Indigenous schooling 

We are looking to teach all ages. 


How many Indigenous students attend Ontario Public Colleges and Universities? (Get within 1000 people)

16,000 Indigenous Students Attend Ontario Colleges and Universities


Why were the Calls to action initiated?

The calls to action were made to address what happened at residential schools and advance reconciliation  


Why is re-establishing Indigenous culture important?

Indigenous Culture is important to re-establish because it helps the bond of Indigenous & non-Indigenous Peoples. 


How long was Shannen Koostachin's school shut down due to a gas leak?

The school was shut down for around a decade


Name the leading organization besides the government in which is funding the most for Indigenous schooling

Indspire is the leading donator, donation 150 million dollars 


What percent of Indigenous schooling relies on government funding? (Within 5%)

90% of Indigenous schooling requires government funding.

List one of the Calls to Action.

63. We call upon the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada to maintain an annual commitment to Aboriginal education issues, including:

  1. Developing and implementing Kindergarten to Grade Twelve curriculum and learning resources on Aboriginal peoples in Canadian history, and the history and legacy of residential schools.

  2. Sharing information and best practices on teaching curriculum related to residential schools and Aboriginal history.

  3. Building student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.

  4. Identifying teacher-training needs relating to the above.

64. We call upon all levels of government that provide public funds to denominational schools to require such schools to provide an education on comparative religious studies, which must include a segment on Aboriginal spiritual beliefs and practices developed in collaboration with Aboriginal Elders.

65. We call upon the federal government, through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, post-secondary institutions and educators, and the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and its partner institutions, to establish a national research program with multi-year funding to advance understanding of reconciliation.


What does Cultural Disconnection have to do with Indigenous education levels?

There is huge cultural differences with your peers which can make you feel disconnected and unwelcome in a school environment. 


What organization did Belinda Daniels create? 

She founded the Nehiyawak Summer Language Experience 


Why is it important to have mutual respect among indigenous and non-indigenous peoples? 

Because it allows for a better connection and it will build a bridge towards reconciliaction


What percent of Indigenous Peoples have a university degree? (within 5%)

16% of Indigenous Peoples have a University degree


Name one of the UNDRIP Rights relating to Education

- “Indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages, in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning.”

- “Indigenous individuals, particularly children, have the right to all levels and forms of education of the State without discrimination.”

- “States shall, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, take effective measures, in order for indigenous individuals, particularly children, including those living outside their communities, to have access, when possible, to an education in their own culture and provided in their own language.”


There are two main Education gaps for Indigenous Peoples, what are they?

Achievement Rate & Knowledge Gap 


What award was Shannen Koostachin nominated for?

She was nominated for the Children's Peace Prize in 2009


Name 3 steps to reconcili-ACTION.

Donating, Educating, Respect, acknowledging, and Spreading awareness
