Both muscles that originate at the ASIS.
Sartorius and TFL
Pes Anserine insertions and nerves
Sartorius Action
Knee flexion, Hip external rotation, hip flexion, tibial internal rotation
Tibialis Anterior
Deep Peroneal Nerve L4, L5, S1
Pec Major is innervated by _______________ and ____________ and the roots _____________
medial and lateral pectoral nerve and nerve roots C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
Peroneous (fibularis) Longus
Head and superior 2/3rds of lateral surface of fibula
Adductor Magnus Hamstring and Adductor Insertions
Hamstring- adductor tubercle of femur
Adductor- Gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line
Tibial External rotators
Biceps femoris LH and SH
Glute Max
Glute Min
Inferior Gluteal Nerve L5, S1, S2
Superior Gluteal Nerve L4, L5, S1
Teres Major Innervation
Lower Subscapular Nerve C5, C6
Linea aspera and lateral supracondylar line of femur
Biceps femoris (SH)
Posterior surface of tibia superior to soleal line
hip adduction prime movers (4)
Aductor magnus hamstring
adductor magnus adductor
adductor longus
adductor brevis
Obturator Nerve L2, L3, L4
Prime movers of GH flexion, extension and abduction and the nerves
Deltoids, axillary Nerve C5, C6
posterior ilium, dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
Glute max
Peroneous Longus
Base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
Glute Med actions
Hip IR, ER, Abduction, Extension
Peroneus Brevis
Superficial Fibular Nerve L4, L5, S1
Origin at Posterior Surface of the Humerus, inferior to the radial groove.
Name the adductor muscles and their origins
P, B, L, M, G
Pectineus - superior ramus of pubis
Adductor Brevis-inferior part of body of pubis
Adductor Longus- superior part of body of pubis
Adductor Magnus Adductor- inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium
Adductor Magnus Hamstring- ischial tuberosity
Gracilis - inferior ramus of pubis
Navicular tuberosity, all cuneiform bones, cuboid and bases of metatarsals 2-4
Tibialis Posterior
Sub talor eversion muscles (4)
Peroneous Longus, Brevis, Tertius, and EDL
Superior Gemellus
Inferior Gemellus
Nerve to Obturator Internus L4, L5, S1
nerve to Femoris Quadratus L5, S1, S2
Cubitail Fossa is outlined by ___________, ___________, and _______________.