This is the name of the groove that the patella glides along
trochlear groove
This is the main function of the arches
shock absorption
this ligament has a deep and superficial layer; the deep layer attaches to the meniscus
This is the most commonly sprained ankle ligament
ATF (anterior talofibular)
This is the name of the arch that runs across the ball of the foot
Transverse Arch
main function of the patella
increase biomechanical pull of quadriceps
These are located on the plantar surface of the 1st MTP joint
sesmoid bones
this ligament is found on the medial aspect of the ankle and isn't injured as often as the lateral ligaments
deltoid ligament
This soft tissue structure attaches to the medial calcaneal tubercle
plantar fascia
screw-home mechanism
This is the name of the true ankle joint
this ligament attaches to the sustentaculum tali
Spring ligament
This ligament is considered the primary knee stabilizer
This is the name of the crest on the posterior aspect of the femur
linea aspera
what is the name of the bony articulation that is comprised by the talus fitting into the shape made by the tibia and fibula
This muscle group helps the ACL prevent abnormal tibial translation
this muscle attaches to the navicular bone and helps hold it in place
tibialis posterior
This structure in the knee resists valgus and rotational forces
This is the name of the grooves on the posterior side of the patella- the area that articulates with the femur
patellar facets
This is the name of the joint that lies between the tarsals and metatarsals
LisFranc Joint
These ligaments hold the meniscus to the tibia
Coronary ligaments
What is the concept of the spring ligament storing energy and releasing it during the push-off phase
Windlass mechanism
The LCL of the knee is also known by another name
fibular collateral ligament