Posterior Comparrment
Deep Compartment
Anterior Compartment
Peroneal/Fibularis Group
You Put Your Foot in That!

I am the most superficial Triceps Surae muscle. I have two heads and one insertion (Calcaneal Tendon). Who am I?

Who is the Gastrocnemius Muscle?


I am often nicknamed "the key that unlocks the knee", due to the fact that I get the whole flexion of the knee thing started!

Who is Popliteus?


I am the largest, most superficial and most isolated muscle belly of the anterior group. My name comes from my position, which is lateral to the shin bone.

Who is Tibialis Anterior?


Sometimes called the fibularis group, due to our origins on what lateral bone of the lower leg?

What is the Fibula?


Who is Extensor Digitorum Brevis?


10% of you won't have the pleasure of counting me among your 600+ muscles. I have a small belly and long tendon, much like my cousin Palmaris Longus in the forearm. I preform weak plantarflexion of the ankle and weak flexion of the knee. Whenever I am present in the body, I like to hang out at the Calcaneal Tendon with the other plantarflexors.

Who is Plantaris?


First name Tibialis, Last name Posterior, I insert here to make inversion my ulterior... BARS!!!! 

What is 5 Tarsal bones and Metatarsals 2-4?


After inserting on toes 2-5, I then extend, Dorsiflex AND Evert the foot. I AM OVERWORKED AND UNDERPAID!!!

Who is Extensor Digitorum Longus?


The tendons of Lateral Compartment tuck behind which bony landmark?

What is the Lateral Malleolus of the Fibula?


Who is ABductor Hallicus?


You might as well call my the Brachialis of the Lower Leg. I do AAAALLLL the work during Plantarflexion, but Gastrocs (like Biceps Brachii) gets all the shine!!!

Who is Soleus?


I'm Flexin I'm Flexin' I'm Flexin' on you

Toes 2-5

Oh and I do Inversion and Plantarflexion toooooo.....oooo

Who is Flexor Digitorum Longus?


I like to keep a low profile. My muscle belly lies to the other two stooges and can only be palpated indirectly. You will only really see me as I head to work, inserting on the distal phalanx of toe #1

Who is Extensor Hallucis Longus?


Together the Peroneals work together to perform what actions of the foot and ankle?

What is Eversion and Plantarflexion?


What is Quadratus Plantae?


As a whole, the muscles of the posterior compartment perform what action?

What is plantarflexion?


Flexor Hallucis Longus is my Government name. Inserting and Flexing this digit is why I came!

What is the first digit or Big Toe?


As a whole, the muscles of the anterior compartment perform what action?

What is Dorsiflexion?


Hey, Peroneus Longus here! You know, it's rare that one can find true love. But I did! Tibialis Anterior and I like to "Stirrup" a lot of magic at our insertion point. Do you know where our Lover's sanctuary, I mean shared Insertion is? 

What is the Base of the First Metatarsal and the Medial/1st Cuneiform?


Who is Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis?


As a whole, the muscles of the posterior compartment have a common insertion point.

What is the Calcaneal Tendon?


As a group, the three long muscles of the deep compartment work together to perform what two movements?

What is Plantarflexion and Inversion of the ankle and foot?


I am the only anterior compartment muscle to perform eversion of the foot!

Who is Extensor Digitorum Longus?


Some folks have a third peroneus muscle called the peroneus tertius. Even though it shares a name with the peroneal muscles, it is really a short extension of this muscle of the anterior compartment.

What is Extensor Digitorum Longus?


Who is Flexor Hallucis Brevis?
