GI Infections
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Take 2
Diverticular Disease
The way microorganisms can invade the body 

What is the mouth through contaminated food and water, person to person contact, and fecal-oral route


These are the 2 conditions referred to as inflammatory bowel disease

What are ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease?


Stools of crohn's disease patients do not contain blood usually but do contain what

What is fat?


The term for the inflammation of diverticulas

What is diverticulitis?


The location of the appendix

What is off the large intestine (cecum) in the RLQ?


The type of infection when the normal flora is destroyed by long-term antibiotic use

What is C.diff?


2 descriptions of the ways UC and crohn's are alike

What are:

cause unknown, onset in adolescents and young adults, periods of exacerbations and remissions, diarrhea is predominant s/s 


The definition of a fissure and fistula

What is:?

fissure:  a deep, crack-like opening

fistula:  an opening - tract between two organs/surfaces that should not exsist


This type of diet is associated with the development of diverticular disease

What is lack of fiber and increased refined carbs?


The pain associated with appendicitis is usually aggravated by this

What is moving, walking, and coughing?


The most effective way to stop the spread of C.diff

What is washing hand with soap and water?


The description of the stool of patients with ulcerative colitis

What is contains blood and mucous?


The patient may end up with this if they have to have a colon resection

What is an ostomy?


The area of pain typical with diverticulits

What is the LLQ?


The reason why heat and laxatives and enemas would be contraindicated 

What is the risk for perforation?


Avoid using this type of medications if the gastrointestinal infection is caused by a known bacteria

What are anti-diarrheals?


The greatest digestive problem/concern resulting from crohn's disease

What is malabsorption?


These are the classes of medications used to treat UC and crohn's - name 2

What are 5-ASA's, anti-inflammatories, steroids, antibacterials, and anti-diarrheals?


This is the recommended maintenance diet for those with diverticular disease 

What is increased fiber and to avoid seeds, nuts, and kernels?


The components of the abdominal assessment for someone suspected of appendicitis

What are bowel sounds, rebound tenderness, pain, rigidity, distention?


These are 3 nursing interventions for a patient with a patient problem of inadequate fluid volume

What are:

I&O, vital signs (esp. orthostatic b/p), skin turgor, mucous membranes, record the # and characteristics of stools, hand hygiene, and proper food prep


The description of the pathophysiology regarding crohn's disease

What is inflammatory lesions of the bowel mucosa that may extend through all layers; it may involve one segment or segments; may be cobblestone in appearance; inflammation, fibrosis, and scaring occur?


These are the medical treatments/interventions regarding nutrition of UC and crohn's - name at least 4

What are:

well balanced diet, small, frequent meals, increase fluids, NPO during acute attacks, food diary, dietary supplements, enteral or parenteral nutrition, avoid milk and dairy, gas forming foods, caffeine, and highly seasoned foods


The nursing interventions for diverticular disease - name at least 4

What is:?

diet management, pain, weight reduction, avoid increased intra abdominal pressure, observe for peritonitis, maintain NG tube, IV fluids, nutritional status, daily weights, I&O, ostomy care and teaching if applicable


The s/s of appendicitis - name at least 4

What are:?

abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, low grade temp, tachycardia, involuntary guarding, rebound tenderness, decreased or absent bowel sounds
