Anterior Drawer Test (ankle)
Percussion Test & Pott's
pain over fracture site
L4 myotome & reflex
R: Patellar Tendon
Talocrural DF normal ROM is...
15-20 degrees (NWB)
Talar Tilt
Medial - CF
Lateral - deltoid (Tibiocalcaneal)
Talar Tilt
Pain or laxity with end range inversion/ eversion
L5 Myotome & Reflex
M: Great toe extension
R: Medial HS Tendon
Talocrural PF normal ROM is...
45-55 degrees
Kleigor & Modified Kleigor
Kleigor - deltoid, distal anterior tibiofibular ligament
Modified - deltoid, anterior tibiofibular ligamanet & syndesmosis
Lack of PF
S1 Myotome & Reflex
M: PF + EV
R: Achilles Tendon
Subtalar Inversion normal ROM ranges...
5-15 degrees
Cotton Test
distal anterior tibiofibualr ligament
Anterior drawer
Pain over involved ligaments & laxity
S2 Myotome & Reflex
M: Knee flexion
R: Lateral HS Tendon
Subtalar Eversion normal ROM ranges...
5-12 degrees
Pott's Compression & Squeeze
Pott's - tibia & fibula
Squeeze - anterior tibiofibular & fibula
Kleiger & Modified Kleigor
Kleigor - medial ankle pain, pain over distal tibfib ligament
Modified - pain over anterior distal tibiofibular joint, pain over deltoid
What numerical value classifies reflexes at "hyperreflexia"
Inversion consists of what 3 motions, while Eversion consists of what 3 motions?
Inversion: supination, adduction, PF
Eversion: pronation, abduction, DF