What grades am I the school counselor for?
What is PreK-8th Grade.
Putting your confidence in someone you can depend on.
What is TRUST.
What character trait was represented by the Mustang?
What is GRIT.
Finish this sentence "Growth mindset and the power of ______"
What is YET.
Where is my office located?
What is the library.
Finding a way to be happy, even when things don't go your way.
What is JOY.
What character trait was represented by the Polar Bear?
What is Knowledge.
What character trait lesson did we talk about things that scared us?
What is COURAGE.
What does a school counselor do?
What is help students.
Showing others they are important by what you say and do.
What is RESPECT.
What character trait was represented by the house sparrow?
Name the steps of the 4 part apology.
What is
1. Say "I am sorry"
2. For ( say what you are sorry for)
3. What will you do next time
4. Will you forgive me?